Chapter 6: Homecoming

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The next morning, the Guard and Fuli's family decided it was a good time to leave the Tree of Life for the Pride Lands.

"Ono," Kion asked, "do you remember the way back?"

"Affirmative." Ono said. "I may have my sight back, but I'm still the Smartest."

"Got it." Kion replied. "Anga, Beshte, Bunga, Fuli, Duma, Kaso, Makini, Haraka, you ready to leave?"

"We're all ready," Anga said. "Duma has her pad covers, and we're ready to leave."

The Guard set off on their journey back to Pride Lands, Ono and Anga leading the way beyond the landmarks they crossed on the way to the Tree, until they reached the mountain.

"You wanna go around this time?" Kion asked the Guard

"It would make more sense to go around, instead of climb the mountain." Fuli said with a slight chuckle.

"I did make a mistake trying to go over the mountain." Kion said. "It would've been faster to go around, just more proof I wasn't thinking straight because of my scar."

"Speaking of your scar, how is it?" Fuli asked

"It's much better now." Kion explained. "The juice from the fasta leaves they gave me healed the venom Ushari gave me, so I can think straight.  It did hurt a bit at first, that was why I was-"

"AVALANCHE!"  Anga yelled. "Quick, everyone get to cover!"

Everyone attempted to obey Anga's orders, but they ended up getting separated in the fall of snow; Ono and Anga were stuck together, Beshte, Bunga, and Makini were together, Duma, Haraka, and Kaso were trapped, and Kion and Fuli were blocked off from the rest.

"Can any of you hear me?" Kion yelled

"Just barely." Duma, Ono, and Beshte said at the same time

"I can't use the Roar to free us from the snow, so we'll have to dig ourselves out, can you all do that?" Kion asked

"I think we can do that."  Duma said

"Ono and I will try to fly out, since we can't dig." Anga added. "There seems to be an opening."

The group started to dig their selves out when a large blizzard hit, trapping them in their holes for even longer, and blocking off any communication between the animals, and Kion couldn't Roar if he didn't want to cave to collapse in on itself and on them.

I guess we have to wait out this storm before we try to get out. Kion thought as he looked out of a little window their cave had.  "Should we just wait this out?" he asked Fuli. "I see Ono and Anga taking shelter from the storm.  We can just hope the others are doing the same."

"We should wait out the storm." Fuli said, gesturing for him to sit beside her. "We should also keep each other warm throughout this blizzard."  Kion complied with Fuli's suggestion, albeit nervously, remembering what happened at the Tree.

'Is it gonna happen again? ' Kion thought

'Is what gonna happen again?'  Bunga asked

'Wait.  You can hear me?'

'You can hear me?'

'I don't know what's happening here, but it was nothing.'

'I know what you're thinking about, Kion'  Fuli said

'Ooo tell us, tell us.'  Bunga chanted

'I'd rather not.'  Fuli replied

'It's obvious what they're thinking about, but I'd rather not share.'  Ono added

'Were you there?'  Fuli and Kion asked at the same time

'For a bit, yes.'  Ono said

'Come on Bunga, you know everyone has a right to privacy.'  Beshte told Bunga

'Beshte's right.'  Anga added

'Can we all hear each other?  If you can, say aye.'  Kion said, trying to figure out what's going on

'Aye'  Everybody except Duma, Haraka, Kaso, and Makini said

'So it's just the Guard.'  Kion realized

'Seems that way.'  Fuli agreed

'We should ask Rafiki about this when we get back.'  Ono suggested

'We should'  Kion replied

Well that was weird. Fuli thought

"Wasn't that weird?" Kion asked Fuli

"Yes, that was weird."  Fuli replied. "We really need to ask Rafiki about that once we get back to the Pride Lands."

The two felines were sitting right next to each other in silence when they heard an avalanche falling down the mountain onto their cave, burying them in more snow.

"Well," Kion said, "looks like we're trapped here for a while longer now."

"Yeah," Fuli replied

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