Chapter 7: Shared Dream

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Kion and Fuli were huddled together to shelter theirselves from the cold of the blizzard when Kion slid his left paw over Fuli's body onto her chest, and Fuli did the same with Kion.  Normally they would feel uncomfortable with that kind of contact, but for some reason they didn't mind it when it was them and fell asleep like that.

Kion and Fuli woke up in the Back Lands, exactly how they fell alseep and immediately pulled away from each other, embarressed.

"Are we in the Back Lands?" Kion asked Fuli

"It seems like that." Fuli replied. "Hey, look there's the rest of the Guard.  They seem to be waking up as well.   But I don't see my family anywhere."

"Haha, that might be because you're dreaming." Rafiki said, appearing out of nowhere

"Do you really have to sneak up on animals all the time?" Bunga asked

"It's funny." Rafiki said. "But the Great Kings need to show you something, something very important."

The Guard followed Rafiki to Makucha's den, where they're planning an attack on the Pride Lands, straight to the king and queen.

"And I thought all trouble was gone when Scar was defeated.  Asante, Rafiki." Kion said

"Haha, no problem!"  Rafiki said.  "When you wake up, just follow the setting sun and you'll get back home quickly."

"How come you couldn't tell us that when we left?" Fuli asked, annoyed

"Because you needed to strengthen your bond with each other to help defend the Pride Lands from this new threat.  It'll be nothing like you've ever faced.  Bye!" Rafki said, before the Guard woke up

Kion and Fuli were the last to wake up after the dream ended, still huddled together.  They immediately pulled away from each other when they noticed the Guard, Makini, and Fuli's family were watching them.

"Aaaawww," Bunga cooed

"Bunga!"  Fuli snapped.

"Okay," Kion said, embarrassed that he was caught huddled together with Fuli, but had to continue, "we need to head for the setting sun, and we'll get to the Back Lands quickly."

The Guard continued on a long journey back to the Pride Lands from where they were sleeping, and when they arrived, they found the Pride Landers preparing for battle against the Back Landers.

"Zazu!" Kion said as he saw Zazu flying above

"Yes?"  Zazu replied

"How's everything going for the battle?"

"The Back Landers have taken over the volcano, stolen Rafiki's staff, and it's getting hotter over there by the second.  The outsiders are also now living with us, and fighting with us."

"Oh no.  Not again."

"What not again?" Fuli asked as a flaming stick fell onto a baobab tree. "Oh.  Great."

The fires from the baobab tree turned into a  two glowing lion heads, one male, and one female.

"Well, well, well." the male lion head said. "Looks like I wasn't completely defeated the last time, again, ain't that right, Zira."

"That's right, Scar, we're back and ready to take over the Pride Lands." Zira said

"Scar." Kion said. "We defeated you once, and we'll do it again.  I already forgave you, but it looks like that wasn't enough."  

Kion then tried to use the smaller version of the Roar, but nothing happened.

"That's not gonna work again.  I've learned from last time.  Army of Scar, attack!" Scar commanded as the Pride Landers and Back Landers went into a big struggle, the Guard getting seperated as they fought Scar's army.  Kion was carried away from the Guard, same with Fuli. 

'If we never see each other again, Fuli, just remember that I love you, but was too embarressed to say before'  Kion told Fuli

'Funny.  I had the same thought.  We'll see each other again, though.'  Fuli replied as they blacked out.

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