Chapter 4: Battle

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Fuli woke up in her den, startled for a moment that she's missing the warmth that Kion gave her during the nights of the journey to the Tree of Life.  After worrying about her being alone for a while, she realized that she was in her den at the Tree.  She decided to walk out of her den and go to Kion's to check up on him.

"Kion?" Fuli asked. "You in there?  It's me, Fuli."

"I'm here," Kion replied, "you can come in if you want."

Fuli happily obliged and walked into his den, "how are you feeling now?" She asked. "Is the venom clearing up?"

"It's clearing up." Kion answered. "I feel like I'm myself again."

"That's great!" Fuli exclaimed, running up to nuzzle him, but thought better of it. "It turns out my family isn't dead.  They were just recovering from their tumble through the river."

"That's great!" Kion said, about to nuzzle Fuli, but like her he decided not to.  "You must've been really excited to see your family after so long."

"I was." Fuli replied. "I do have something to tell you, though."

"Oh, what is-" Kion started saying, but got interrupted by screaming coming from around the Tree. "Whatever it is, it'll have to wait for later, it sounds like something is happening to the animals here.  We should check it out."

"Got it." Fuli said, disappointed that she couldn't say what she wanted to say, but understanding of their duty to protect the circle of life anywhere

     As Kion and Fuli ran to the source of the screaming, they saw Makucha leading a group of animals to attack the ones at the Tree fighting with the ones that can fight, and the rest of the Guard.  "You're finally here!" a voice said

"Bunga?" Kion asked, "what's going on?"

"Makucha decided to round up all the animals that hate us to come and fight at the Tree of Life." Beshte said

"Okay." Kion started to give a command, "round up all of Makucha's group and move them away from the Tree.  Once that's done, get behind me."

"You sure you can do that, Kion?"  Beshte asked. "Your scar won't bother you?"

"No." Kion answered. "The lions here gave me a cure for Ushari's venom."

"You all heard Kion!" Fuli said. "Round them up at the entrance."

     The fighters followed Kion's orders, rounding Makucha's group up at the entrance through a flurry of claws and teeth.  Once all of the fighters were at the entrance, Kion ordered the rest of the animals from the Tree to get behind him, and he let out his largest directed roar yet, sending all of Makucha's group back to where they came from.

"That was cool!" Bunga said. "Why didn't we hold you and you just Roar us here?"

"Really, Bunga?" Fuli said.

"Well," Rani said. "No matter how you got here, we're glad you could help.  I can see that the venom has healed as well."

"The cure did help.  Now I can actually think straight and feel like myself again."  Kion said. "How's Ono doing?  Is his eyesight better?"

"Ono's eyes are healing well.  He should be able to come home with you alo-" Rani said, but stopped herself as Fuli gave a slight shake of her head, as if to say, "not yet.  I'll them when I'm ready."

After the Guard got congratulated on their victory against Makucha's group, they decided to leave to their dens, but as they were walking to spend one last night at the Tree, Rani beckoned Fuli over with her tail. 

"I'll be right back," Fuli said, walking over to Rani. "I need to talk to someone right now."

"So," Rani said, "why didn't you want me to tell the rest of the Guard about your family?" 

"Well," Fuli answered, "I actually haven't told all of them about my parents.  I'd prefer to introduce my parents to the Guard myself when we're ready to leave."

"But, don't you need Makini to make pad covers for your mom so she can make the journey back?" Rani asked

"I do." Fuli said. "I'll tell her about it before we go home."

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