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Though it hadn't been easy at first, Ethan and Emma had successfully sorted through a majority of their problems and figured out some relationship boundaries. Of course they still had some issues, all couples do, but for the most part things had transitioned back to normal pretty smoothly.

They'd decided that causing any sort of social media frenzy by being seen together, by liking each other's Instagram posts, by appearing in each other's mentions or Snapchat stories or anything like that, just wasn't worth it. And although their fans speculated that they were over for good and never coming back, the two of them knew the truth. They were doing better than ever because they were having time for themselves and just doing things for themselves. There wasn't any pressure and there wasn't any outside negativity.

And who cares if Ethan didn't like any of her Instagram posts right now. Instead, she showed him before she posted and he'd whisper how he'd love to do 100 dirty things to her right now if she'd let him because she always looked so damn good. She'd playfully slapped him for comments like that a few hundred times so far— he always both simultaneously knew how to make her laugh and get on her nerves.

He had easily gone along with Emma's ideas of keeping things more private even though she knew that he'd wished he could show her off and let the world know she was his. He'd gone along with it because he knew that it made her feel safe, secure, and happier. In reality, that was all he wanted. He didn't need validation from anyone else about a relationship he felt completely confident in. People could call him names, tell him he sucked for not openly displaying his love for her, say she didn't deserve him (that one still stung a bit, to be honest) but it all didn't matter because he knew the truth.

Nobody deserved anything from them. They were both happy with the way things were going right now, and yeah, it made it a bit harder sometimes. They didn't go on coffee dates anymore and they couldn't attend SoulCycle classes together, but they did other things instead that made it worth it. They'd have movie dates at her apartment, they'd hangout with Grayson and watch hours of mindless reality TV, they'd order in Chinese food and have their own candle-lit dinners on Emma's living room floor. They'd adjusted and they'd rearranged a bit so that things could be good for them. So that things could be great.

And maybe one day it would change. Maybe one day they would both decide to say fuck it and scream from every social media platform they had that they were in love and they didn't care who knew it. But that day wasn't today. And it probably wouldn't be tomorrow or the next or the next or the one after that. Perhaps one day though. But until then, they were content with the now.

They'd chosen to go on this rollercoaster ride of a relationship together and they were both strapped in tight.


a/n: welp there it is. i have had SO MUCH FUN writing this story and thank u thank u thank u THANK YOUUUUUU to everyone who has read it and enjoyed it. i never expected it to reach so many people and i am so grateful!!!! i know i've said that a million times already but it is 100% true <3 please stay tuned for my next story! i am currently brainstorming some things, working out some plot stuff, etc and then it will be coming soon.

here's to ethan and emma for bringing us all happiness, friendships, laughter, and love whether they're together or apart (still praying for the togetherness tho) YAYYYYYYY

xoxo carol 

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