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Cat Terms
She-Cat - A female cat.
Tom/Tomcat - A male cat.
Queen    - A she-cat who expecting or raising Kits.
Mother-cat - A she-cat who stays in the nursery to help the Queens.
Kittypet - A cat who lives with and is cared for by humans.
Loner - A cat who lives alone and does not control or defend territory.
Rogue - A cat who will usually live alone and can be hostile. They often travel and show little respect for other cat's boundaries.

Human Terms
Twoleg / Housefolk / Nofur / Upwalker - A human.
Twoleg Kit - A human child.
Twoleg Nest - A human house.
Twolegplace - A group of human houses close together, such as a town or city.
Thunderpath - A road or another human surface where cars travel.
Monster - A automotive vehicle operated by humans, such as cars, trucks and trackers.
Tree-eater - A bulldozer, this is also a type of Twoleg Monster.
Thundersnake - A train.
Silverpath - A railway/train track
Cutter    - A human veterinarian, named after the 'cutter' which they use to neuter cats.
Halfbridge - A boat dock, where humans enter the lake on their boats.
Horseplace - A horse stable, or ranch where horses are kept by humans.
Soft Boulder- A human cushion or pillow.
Silver Boulder - A human trash can.
Silverthorn - Barbed wire.
Twoleg Stuff - This can be a anything left by Twolegs, but usually refers to things left by Twolegs that are poisonous to cats, such as chemicals being dumped in a river. Eating food or drinking water in places with Twoleg stuff can make a cat very ill and even be fatal.

Prey Terms
Fresh-kill - A recently killed piece of prey.
Blood-beat - The heartbeat of prey.
Crowfood / Crow-food - A dead piece of prey or another dead animal that has started to rot. This term is often used as an insult.
Buzzardfood - A dead piece of prey or another dead animal that has started to rot. This term is often used as an insult (This term was used by the Clans before they moved to the forest territory, they then used crowfood instead).
Chickfeed    - A dead piece of prey mainly associated with eagles when they feed it to their chicks (This term was used by the Clans before they moved to the forest territory, where eagles were more common.)

Time Terms
Newleaf - Spring
Greenleaf    - Summer
Leaf-fall - Autumn
Leaf-bare -Winter
Moon    - The time elapsed when the moon completes its cycle, this is the time between one full moon and the next. This is roughly one Month.
Half-Moon - The time when the moon is half full. It is also used to measure time, by the elapsed time when the moon goes through half of its cycle. This is roughly half a Month or two weeks.
Quarter-Moon - The time when the moon is a quarter full. It is also used to measure time, by the elapsed time when the moon goes through a quarter of its cycle. This is roughly a quarter of a Month or one week.
Full Moon     - The time when the moon is full.
Claw Moon - The time when the moon is only the size of a claw mark in the sky.
Season    The length of one full season (Newleaf/Greenleaf/Leaf-fall/Leaf-bare). This is roughly a quarter of a year, about the same as a Quarter-Moon.
Sunrise - The time between one sunrise and another, this is a normal day.
Sunhigh - The time of day when the sun is at its highest, usually about noon.
Sunup    - The time of day when the sun is up.
Sundown    - The time of day when the sun is down.
Moonhigh - The time of night when the moon is at its highest, usually about midnight.
Heartbeat    - The length of one heartbeat or faster, roughly a split second.
As long as it takes to eat a mouse - The length of time it takes to eat a mouse, usually several minutes.

Length Terms
Mouse-whisker - The length of an average mouse whisker, roughly around a few millimeters or centimeters. Generally used in terms to say something was very close.
Whisker-length - The length of an average cat whisker, roughly a few centimeters. Generally used in terms to say something was very close.
Mouse-tail - The length of an average mouse tail, roughly once inch or five centimeters.
Mouse-length - The length of an average mouse, roughly two or three inches or up to fifteen centimeters.
Mouse-span - Similar to a Mouse-length, the size of an average mouse, roughly two or three inches or up to fifteen centimeters.
Frog-length - The length of an average frog, roughly five inches or ten centimeters.
Tail-length - The length of an average cat's tail, roughly one foot or thirty centimeters.
Tree-length - The length of an average tree, roughly forty to fifty feet or around fifteen meters.
Kittenstep    - The length of an average kit's step, roughly one inch or five centimeters.
Kit-hop - The length of an average kit's hop, roughly one and a half inches or up to ten centimeters.
Rabbit-hop - The length of an average rabbit's hop, roughly one and a half feet or forty five centimeters.
Pawprint - The length of an average cat's pawprint, roughly three and a half inches or up to twenty centimeters.
Pawstep - The length of an average cat's step, roughly six inches or up to thirty centimeters.

Living Terms
Camp    - The place where each Clan lives permanantly.
Den - The place where a cat sleeps within their camp. The equivalent of a bedroom.
Nest - A soft place lined with moss or other things such as feathers to make it soft to sleep on. The equivalent to a bed.
Leader's Den - The place where the Clan Leader sleeps.
Medicine Cat's Den    - The place where the Medicine Cat and their Apprentice sleep. It is also usually where injured / sick cats are treated.
Warrior's Den - The place where all the Clan Warriors sleep..
Apprentice's Den    - The place where all the Clan Apprentices sleep..
Elders' Den - The place where all the Clan Elders sleep.
Nursery - The place where Queens and Kits stay and sleep.
Dirtplace - The place cats go to make dirt. The equivalent of a bathroom.
Fresh-kill pile     - The place where Warriors and other cats place the Fresh-kill they catch.

Patrol Terms
Hunting Patrol - A group of cats who hunt Fresh-kill to bring back for their Clan.
Border Patrol - A group of cats who check the borders of the Clan territory, watching out for intruders or other trouble.
Water Patrol - A group of cats who collect water from the nearest water source. This is usually only needed in droughts where the nearby water sources go dry.
Battle/Fighting Patrol -    A group of cats who are sent into a battle with other cats or another enemy such as badgers.

Other Terms
Gathering    - The gathering of the four main Clans during a truce at every full moon. This gathering takes place at Fourtrees in the forest and on The Island by the lake.
Make Dirt    - The equivalent to using the bathroom.
Moons / Mooning / Moons Over - A term used to say someone admires / loves another cat.
Thistlefluff - A term used to say something is nonsense.
Mouse-easy - A term used to say something is easy.
Fox-toothed - A term used to say something is sharp.
Rabbit-fast - A term used to say someone or something is fast.
Kitting     - A term used for a cat giving birth.
Snowmelt    - Snow that has melted into a slush.
Snow-drowned - An area that is covered with snow.
Fear-scent - The scent given off when afraid such as from prey being hunted or cats who are afraid of something.
Sharing Tongues - Where cats groom each other's pelts with their tongues. This is often done after a meal and is also a common time for cats to exchange gossip.
Silverpelt    - The stars that cover the night sky, these stars represent StarClan. It is assumed to be the Milky Way.
Sun-drown-place - An ocean near the lake territory.
Dug-earth / Dug-pile     - Terms used by tunnellers in WindClan for the earth they dig and the pile they build from it.
Branch-skipping  - A term used by SkyClan for the way they jump between branches.
Storm-tossed  - A term used to say there is trouble.

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