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May you find good hunting, swift running, and shelter when you sleep - An ancient farewell spoken in ShadowClan to all lost Clanmates.

Would've made mousemeat out of you! / I'd have shredded you into mousedust! - To threaten to gravely injure someone.

Who made dirt in his fresh kill?! - To say someone is moody or cranky.

You fight/hunt like a kittypet! - To say someone is a bad fighter/hunter.

You're dithering like a kittypet! - To say someone is hesitant, that they are soft or cowardly.

That's a load of badger droppings - To say that something is a lie or nonsense. The equivalent to 'That's a load of rubbish'.

Such a load of bat droppings - To say that something is a lie or nonsense. The equivalent to 'Such a load of rubbish'.

Tabbies don't change their stripes - To say someone won't change their nature / the way they are. The equivalent to 'A leopard can't change its spots'.

What in StarClan's name? - To question something. The equivalent to 'What in the world?' or 'What the?'.

Great StarClan! - To say something is very surprising. The equivalent to 'Oh my god!'

StarClan's kits! - To say something is surprising. The equivalent to 'Oh my gosh!'

StarClan knows - To say you don't know the answer to something. The equivalent to 'God knows' or 'Who knows'.

How in Silverpelt! - To say something is surprising. The equivalent to 'How on earth!'.

Sorry catches no prey / Sorry fills no bellies - To say that saying sorry isn't enough. The equivalent of 'Sorry isn't good enough'.

Once a kittypet, always a kittypet! - To say someone who was previously a Kittypet, will always be soft like a Kittypet.

StarClan-cursed - To say someone is bad.

Worry-worm - To say someone worries too much.

StarClan forsaken - To say something, someplace is bad. The equivalent of 'God forsaken'.

May StarClan light your path! - To wish someone well. The equivalent to 'Let god be with you'.

I don't give a mousetail - To say you don't care about something.

Hedgehogs will fly - To say something is a lie or nonsense. The equivalent of 'When pigs fly!'.

Doesn't matter a whisker / Doesn't catch so much as a whisker - To say something does not matter, or you don't care. The equivalent to 'Who cares?'.

Crazier than a fox in a fit! - To say someone is acting crazy or weird.

Bees in your brain - To say someone is acting stupid, or isn't making sense. The equivalent to 'Your talking gibberish'.

As much use as a dead fox! - To say someone or something is useless.

Sly as a Twoleg's dog - To say someone is untrustworthy or sneaky.

Born with a burr in his fur - To say someone is irritable, moody or cranky.

Oh my whiskers - To say something is surprising. The equivalent to 'Oh my gosh'.

Straighter than crow-flight - To say something is straight.

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