Warrior code Origins

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Rule One:

Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may be allowed friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan.

Long ago, Ryewhisker, a tom from WindClan and Cloudberry a she-cat from RiverClan, who was also the daugher of the RiverClan Leader Emberstar, fell in love. Not long afterwards Cloudberry was expecting Ryewhiskers Kits.

At the same time RiverClan had been accusing WindClan of stealing fish from their territory. WindClan claimed it was a lie and said they had no interest in eating fish. However RiverClan continued to accuse them and shortly after WindClan attacked RiverClan over the accusations.

During the fight Ryewhisker defended Cloudberry from one of his fellow WindClan Warriors, Hawkfur, and said he would not let his Kits die to a WindClan cat. However while he was distracted, protecting Cloudberry, he was attacked by a RiverClan cat, and was killed.

During the next full moon after the tragic battle, the WindClan Leader Duststar called a meeting at fourtrees. He claimed that Ryewhisker would not have died if he had not been in love with Cloudberry.

He then proposed a rule, that all cats must always remain loyal to their own Clan over all else. This was accepted by the other Clan cats and this formed the beginning of the Warrior Code.

During the same meeting, the Leader of SkyClan, Birchstar, suggested that the Clans should meet at fourtress every full moon. This was also accepted and this started the tradition of the full moon gatherings.

Rule Two

Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.

Three seasons after the first gathering and the start of the Warrior Code, The Clans met at fourtress for the full moon gathering.

During the gathering, Whitestar, the Leader of ThunderClan and Brindlestar, the Leader of ShadowClan argued about how ShadowClan were hunting in ThunderClan territory.

The argument escalated and ThunderClan and ShadowClan were close to fighting, when suddenly a loud crack was heard and a large tree branch crashed down directly between the ThunderClan and ShadowClan cats, but amazingly not a single cat was hurt.

Stonestar, the Leader of WindClan said that the tree was a sign from StarClan. He then proposed a new rule for the Warrior Code, that no cat should hunt in another Clans terriotory.

The other Clan Leaders, including a hesitant Brindlestar accepted, and this rule became the second rule of the Warrior Code.

Rule Three

Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors.

Splashheart, a young RiverClan Warrior and his former mentor Reedshine, were fishing on sunningrocks when a ThunderClan attack patrol entered the territory.

Reedshine returned to camp, and brought back Darkstar as well as several Warriors and they attacked the ThunderClan patrol.

Reedshine was badly injured, and RiverClan were losing, but Darkstar refused to be defeated and convinced her Warriors to keep fighting.

A mysterious she-cat called Aspentail joined the battle alongside Splashheart, shortly after which ThunderClan were defated and they retreated.

Aspentail then revealed that she was a StarClan Warrior, and was once a Warrior of RiverClan, she told of how she fought for sunningrocks before, and had come back to protect them again. Shortly after she disappeared and returned to StarClan.

Darkstar told the Warriors to catch prey for the Elders and Kits on their way back to camp, and said the victory was for their sake.

Splashheart agreed with Darkstar and pledged that he would catch the fatest fish and bring it to the Elders' Den in memory of Aspentail. He also vowed to become RiverClan Leader and to make a new rule for the Warrior Code, that Elders and Kits must always be fed first.

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