Rock and Midnight

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Rock And Midnight

Rock and Midnight have always been two very mysterious characters, one a deformed ancient cat spirit from the ancient past, and the other a badger which can speak cat, fox, rabbit and dog.

But not until 'The Last Hope' did we learn the truth, these two mysterious characters that seemed completely unrelated had known each other all along!

This page explains everything we know about Rock and Midnight.
Their History

Rock is said to be the oldest cat ancestor and has watched over all the cats of Tribe and Clan since the beginning of their time. He was born in the mountains long before The Tribe Of Rushing Water was formed. It is said there were at least three Tribes at this time, and since this time the descendants of these Tribes moved to the lake and back an unknown number of times, eventually settling in the mountains and forming the modern Tribe Of Rushing Water.

Rock referred to this as the 'circle' when he asked Jayfeather to visit the mountains one last time:

"Your past lies in the mountains," Rock told him. "The place where I was born, the place where cats have returned before. You must go there once more to complete the circle"
- Rock - Sign Of The Moon - page 55

However Rock may not have always lived by the mountains, it has also been said he lived my the lake:

Quote from Victoria Holmes on her facebook page:

'Half Moon was the first "official" Stoneteller; Rock came before her, when the cats still lived by the lake, and was a cat with a special sensitivity to ancestors and that kind of thing but he wasn't given the title Stoneteller because it didn't exist then.'

"Rock lived in the tunnels a long time ago. His spirit lives there still, right beneath our territory."
- Jayfeather - Fading Echoes - page 40

However Rock was not alone for all that time, he had Midnight, who apparently has been with him since the Dawn of the cats of the Tribes and Clans:

Broken Shadow shifted her paws. "Greetings, Midnight. I . . . I didn�t realize that you knew Rock."
"Since the dawn of your time, we have known each other," Midnight rumbled, turning her wide, striped head. "Since first cat put paw beside water."
Rock sat down on the cold stone. His blind blue eyes were round and white as moons. "We watched the first sunrise over the lake."
"It burst water into flame," Midnight recalled. "And in fiery reflection we see future of all cats: Tribe of Rushing Water, five Clan, four Clan, forest, and lake."
"We saw your whole journey, from lake to forest and back." Rock tipped his head as if watching the cats process in front of him. �The prophecies all came from that first reflected sunrise�the cat with a pelt of flame that would save the Clans, the silver cat who would save the Tribe of Rushing Water, and finally the four who would carry the last hope, not just of the Clans, but of light itself."
Midnight�s claws scratched the granite. "Now we fear we see a final sunset that ends your story."
Half Moon stepped forward. "But the four? They will save us, surely?"
"They came as we saw they would and, when they came, they lit the darkest fires." Midnight gazed at the Ancient cats, her beady black eyes intent. "So you and all long-dead cats burn like stars once more."
"But evil is coming," Rock warned.
Midnight cut in. "Darkness we saw born like littermate alongside the light. Now all must stand and fight."
As the other cats shivered, Rock moved his blind gaze over them. "Thank you for safeguarding the prophecies for so long, and for passing them down from cats forgotten now and vanished." Broken Shadow sighed. "So many lives lost."
"All lives are brief," Rock reminded her.
"My son�s was too brief!" Her eyes flashed accusingly. "Why couldn�t you save Fallen Leaves?"
"It was never my duty to save anyone!" Rock flashed back at her. "What is the point of a life held in the paws of another? There must be choice. There must be freedom. I can point the way but every cat walks on its own paws."
Slant narrowed his eyes. "Do the Clans walk alone into the final battle?"
Half Moon flattened her ears. "Never alone!" She lifted her chin. "I will fight alongside Jayfeather."
Broken Shadow unsheathed her claws. "And I will fight alongside my son."
"I will fight beside Jagged Lightning and my kits to defeat this darkness." Owl Feather�s eyes sparked.
Bluestar thrashed her tail. "And I will die a tenth time to defend ThunderClan!"
"These cats will never stand alone," Half Moon declared. "We are with them just as we have always been."
"Light against dark," Midnight growled. "This is the end of all things�this is the last sunrise."
Rock touched her flank lightly with the tip of his tail. "It is what we have been waiting for, my friend."
- The Last Hope - Prologue

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