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Mairon laughed as Maglor withered in pain. He grinned and kicked Maglor so he was laying on his back once more. "You are very resistant, songbird. However, I still want the information you have." Mairon said. Maglor glared at that name Mairon chose to call him. He desired it with a passion.

"Still not talking...well I guess if you are not going to use that voice you don't need it," Mairon said as he grabbed Maglor's neck. He leaned down and then hissed into Maglor's ear. "Now if this gets taken away...what right do you have for music? Words and the voice make the song have meaning. Now if you play any music it'll just be empty notes. Songbird."

Maglor then let out a scream of pain before the noise died out as Maglor could not find it to scream anymore.


Maglor shifted and sat up quickly and gasped for air. He felt like he was suffocating. He took some sharp breaths when he felt a hand grip his shoulder. "Kano. Just breath." He heard Maedhros voice. Maglor blinked and shook his head. He looked around and let out a breath seeing Meadhros's concerned face.

Maedhros handed Maglor the notebook and asked, "What happened?"

Maglor looked at the paper but shook his head his hair falling in front of his face. Maedhros just let out a soft sigh and nodded. "Alright...alright." He said. "I sent the others out so you could get some rest without them waking up."

Maglor nodded and looked down. He rubbed his throat but Maedhros reached over and moved his hand away. "Kano. You need to leave the bandage alone." He said.

Maglor moved his hand down and he let out a breath. He felt a sudden hand on his head and he looked up at him. "You'll be alright," He said ruffling up his hair. Maglor made a face and shifted away swaying at Maedhros's hand. His older brother just chuckled and Maglor gave a small smile in seeing his brother was just trying to help him.

"Oh. I know you're okay with your brothers coming to see you but what about extended family?" Maedhros asked.

Maglor thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Uncle Fingolfin does want to visit you as well as Fingon," Maedhros said.

Maglor looked at the notebook and wrote something down and then showed it to him. He seemed embarrassment to write it but he did it anyway. Maedhros felt horrible for his younger brother as he read, 'I do not care who visits me...I just don't want to be left alone to listen to silence.'

"Alright. I'll keep some conversation going. If you want I can try singing," Maedhros offered. Maglor stared at his older brother and he could not help but break into a smile and his shoulders shook from his silent laughs.

"I am not that terrible at singing," He replied in mock offense.

Maglor through small fits of silent giggles wrote down, 'brother. You could not sing to save your life.'

Maedhros looked at it and just gave a bit of a shrug but did smile. The door suddenly flew open and Curufin came into the room. He was dressed in his smith clothes and covered in smudges. Yet, he seemed to have a great idea since he was grinning. "Kano." He said. "I have an idea for you. Caranthir and I were talking and we figured we can make a language you can speak now."

Maglor looked at him and titled his head to one side in confusion. He even took the liberty to draw a question mark out. "Not speak as in talk but sign different words. We are not sure if it can work but we are working on the idea." Curufin said.

Maglor smiled again and wrote down, 'Thank you so much, brother.'

Curufin nodded and then handed him a harp. It was far different than the one he used to have but looked slightly similar. "Also here. Fingon found your broken harp. I was able to fix it up a bit." He replied.

Maglor just looked down at it and suddenly threw it across the room and smashed against the wall. Curufin blinked in surprise and Maedhros just stared at Maglor. Maedhros stood up and picked up the harp that had a slight dent in it. The dent was not so bad and he just placed it out of Maglor's reach. He then looked at Curufin who just nodded and left the room as Maedhros turned back to Maglor.

"Kano...can you please tell me what happened?" He said. "Are you truly going to cast away your music because you can not sing with it?"

Maglor looked away with tears in his eyes. Maedhros moved over and put his hand on Maglor's shoulder. "Come on brother," He said softly.

Maglor leaned forward and placed his head on his brother's shoulder and began to just silently cry once more. 'I have no right to it!' Maglor thought. 'I have no right to play it when I could not even defend my voice. I could have but I could not bring myself to give up anything about you guys. I could not stand to have known I told them information that could hurt you and the others.'

Maglor cried making the bandage around his eye damp from tears. He then gasped as he felt his mind start to scream. He shook his head as a nightmare started to come to life. It played in his mind and behind his closed eyes. Maglor knew it was a nightmare but he could not convince his mind that it was. He then felt himself slip back and felt pain in his side as he found himself on the floor. He saw his brother above him worry clear on his face, yet what he saw soon changed into a nightmare. Then everything faded to black.


When Maglor opened his eyes Maedhros was sitting right beside him worry clear on his face. Maedhros wore the same clothes but they were all wrinkled and smelled a bit. His brother's hair was frazzled and out of place and dark circles were under his eyes. His other brothers were there as well and they all looked similar to Maedhros. Yet, he saw that the twin's eyes were a bit red as well as Caranthir's. Maglor opened his mouth to say something but soon remembered that he could not.

He slowly sat up and all his brothers jumped at once. He felt Maedhros ease him back and said, "Easy. You need to lay still and rest,"

Maglor wondered what happened and thankfully Maedhros then explained, "You started to hallucinate slightly which apparently brought on a small seizure; which the movement of that opened some wounds. The healers were able to help you but they said you need rest and should try hard to get worked up."

Maglor gave a little nod and swallowed about. He looked at his brothers and blinked, they all looked like they had not slept for days. He then looked around and spotted his notebook. He reached for it and Celegorm passed it over. He wrote down, 'How long was I asleep for? All of you look terrible.'

"Hey. You don't look so good yourself," Celegorm said with a snort.

"You were asleep for five days...we did not sleep well over that time," Maedhros said.

'Don't you mean at all?' He thought but chose not to write it down. He titled his head to the side when Maedhros picked up his notebook and wrote something down. He then showed it to Maglor who read it and looked at him. It had said: 'Kano. I know you are having bad nightmares, throughout the times you were asleep you were thrashing about. Uncle Fingolfin said there he did once hear a rumor that an elf who may be part of the firstborn and who never chose to sail. The rumor said that she learned about the healing of both the mind and body. He said that when you're well enough to travel she may be able to help with the nightmares. If you want to we can go to her for help.'

Maglor read it once more and took the book and closed it. He looked down and then up at Maedhros and gave a small nod. A small hope burned in the back of his mind that maybe she was able to heal his throat. 

A broken Voice - A Silmarillion FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now