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Many many years later...

Maglor looked up from his book as the door opened and Elrond and Elros came rushing in. He smiled and put it down as they dove at him. "What's wrong?" He signed to them.

"Nothing," Elros said a bit too quickly which caused Maglor to shake his head but he smiled and put the boys on the ground.

"Okay. What happened?" He signed to Elrond who was standing there looking guilty.

"Nothing we just wanted to see you," Elros answered for his brother.

"You are Elros," Maglor signed. "Now. Elrond, what happened or am I going to find out later from your Uncle?"

"We that vase that was in the hallway," Elrond said causing his brother to shake his head and whisper something to him. Elrond looked at him then back to his father. "We are sorry Atar."

Maglor let out a breath and signed, "It's fine. Let's go clean it up,"

"Okay," The twins answered togeather. He then followed the boys into the hallway and bent down and had them help pick up the large pieces carefully while he took care of the smaller ones. Shortly after they got it all cleaned up and when they were done he brought them back to his study to talk to them.

"Next time something like this happens just clean it up and tell your Uncle or me, alright?" He signed to them.

"Alright," They said.

Elros then looked up and asked, "You aren't going to punish us?"

"I will talk to your Uncle about that," He replied. Elros sighed and nodded along with his twin. Maglor sighed as he saw his boys frown so he bent down and hugged them both then proceeded to tickle them which caused both of them to squeal and giggle. After a few more moments of the onslaught of tickles, he let them go.

"Alright. Enough playing, get back to your lessons. I will be there in a little bit," Maglor signed.

"Alright," The boys said. They then headed off to the library as Maglor stood up and stretched slightly. He grabbed his journal before he headed off to meet the boys in the library. Yet, once he got there he chuckled since as he thought Elrond was there but Elros chose to go elsewhere.

"Where is your brother?"Signed Maglor.

"I do not know," He replied. "I am sorry,"

"It's alright," Maglor signed as he sat down next to him. "It'll just have a private lesson with him later."

"Okay," Elrond replied. Maglor opened up a book and opened his journal. He started up the lesson again switching off from either signing or writing in his journal. Elrond paid attention and did the work that Maglor gave him. An hour later as they cleaned up Maedhros came in carrying Elros in one arm.

"I believe you lost this," Maedhros said putting Elros down. Maglor and Elrond chuckled a bit as Elros walked over.

"We'll have a private lesson later. Now, both of you get ready for dinner," Maglor instructed. The boys nodded before they ran off again.

"Kano, a letter is here for you," Maedhros then said. Maglor took the letter from him and opened it.

"Who's it from?" Asked Maedhros as he saw Maglor smile as he read it.

"Handa," Maglor signed. "I wrote to her in hopes asking if she came here and teach Elrond a bit of healing. After he's already read through all the healer's book we have, she replied and said she'll be happy to."

"That's good, maybe now I'll finally stop tripping over those healer books when I say goodnight to them," Maedhros said. Maglor chuckled a bit but then frowned and turned his head.

"Kano?" Maedhros asked.

"It's nothing," Maglor signed a bit slowly.

"Kano. What's wrong? I know it is," Maedhros said.

"The last time I saw here the others-" Yet, halfway through Maglor stopped signing and his hands fell to his side. Maedhros walked over and hugged Maglor tightly.

"I know. I miss them too," He said softly. When he let go he gave his brother a smile and said, "Come on. We should go to the boys for dinner."

Maglor smiled a bit as he followed his older brother out of the room. He did miss them dearly but after the work, he did with Handa all those years ago he was much better. He was able to pick up his harp again and feel hopeful. Now, the feeling of hopefulness was dimmed at times but having those boys helped greatly. Even though at times it was still hard that he could not utter a single word but having Elrond and Elros around. Seeing their child-like excitement and just being a father to them...for that, he realized if he had to pick between those boys or his voice. He'll choose his sons and besides, now he found that the notes he played on his harp were far more powerful. Every single note played was powerful and held meaning. At times Maglor wondered if his music now was more powerful then the words he once sang. Perhaps...and a small part of him wondered if these notes could perhaps even reach the Valar of to Eru Iluvatar. Who knew?

The End

A broken Voice - A Silmarillion FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now