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Maglor rode in silence with his brothers, Maedhros talked with the healers and they agreed that if this person does exists the should find them quickly. Since if the nightmares persist it may lead to real damage to his health. Since every time he has one he opens a wound from all the tossing and turning.

Maglor let out a long breath and looked over at Celegorm who stopped for the 12th time to stop and get information from some animal. Curufin was close losing it as Celegorm kept jumping off his horse and talking to a bird or fox. He saw him shake his head and rode to be next to Maglor. "He's insane." He grumbled.

Maglor nodded and looked back ahead. "We got half of the language you can sign with down. So tonight when we stop I can show you what we have." Curufin added.

Maglor opened his mouth to ask him a question but closed it. He kept forgetting that he could not speak. It was hard to write in his notebook as he rode so it made his communication rather challenging. Maglor clenched his fists around the reins. He hated all this! Curufin looked at him and let out a huge sigh. Not all the brothers got along all the time but when one of them where in this kind of pain they were their for them.

Curufin reached over and patted his back a bit before looking back as Celegorm rode up beside them. Maglor just listening to them taking and the twins talking to each other about Eru knows what. He stopped for a moment as he realized that he also picked up Maedhros's deep breaths. He looked over at his brother who looked up and gave him a smile. 

Maglor jus nodded and turned to face foward. He slowed his horse slightly and winced a bit. His body was feeling tried but he knew they should not stop for a while.

He yawned and put a hand to his side and took a breath. "Kano? Do you want to stop?" Asked Maedhros coming over to him.

Maglor gave a small nod and Maedhros halted the group and told them they were going to stop. They were actually in a good stopping area but they just had to move off to the side. Maglor got off his horse and walked away to sit under a tree. He leaned his head back and listened to the chirping of the birds. He sighed and clenched his fists in frustration. He half turned and punched the tree behind him. He then winced and pulled his hand back. He looked down at his fist. His knuckles were a bit red and he saw some broken skin.

"Kano." Maedhros said coming over and bending down. Maglor pulled away and stood up. He gave his brother a long long before storming off. He felt such pain and anger. Nine of them understood this, understood how frustrating it was to be treated like he was. To feel this weak and not even to be able to scream about. He stopped and looked around. He walked a good ways away from his brothers. He swallowed and just sat down pulling his knees close to him.


An hour passed and Maedhros stood up and said, "Alright. Now, we need to look for him."

"What even happened?" Asked Celegorm.

"Don't know," Said Maedhors with a sigh. The brother's split up and looked around trying to locate Maglor. It was Celegorm who found Maglor, he in truth asked a bird if they saw an angry, sulking elf who had black hair and a bandage around their neck. He had to add the bandage since they have saw Caranthir and not Maglor.

He found Maglor curled up next to a tree with his head buried in his knees. "Kano." Celegorm said.

Maglor looked up at him and wipped his face. Celegorm bent down and said, "Lets go brother,"

Maglor shook his head and Celegorm sighed. He held out his hand and said, "please. Let's go."

Maglor looked up and his eyes widened. He opened his mouth and yelled silently. He then grabbed Celegorm and pushed him down just as an arrow shot through the air and crashed into Maglor’s shoulder. Maglor gasped and fell backward.

A broken Voice - A Silmarillion FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now