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Maglor sat crossed-legged on the mattress with a bowl in his hands. He was eating quietly and he looked up a bit as he heard Handal walk in.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

He just gave her a small nod, he then looked back down at the bowl of soup and placed it back on the tray. Maedhros left to sort something out among his other brothers and he was left alone to eat. 

"Not hungry?" She asked as she walked over and picked up the tray. Maglor nodded slowly and she just brought the tray over to her table. She then picked up a small cup and handed it to Maglor and said, "This has some herbs to help you sleep, you won't have any bad dreams and it'll help you stay asleep. The only problem is that normally it tastes like dirt but I add honey and some sugar so it will taste a bit better." 

Maglor nodded and took the mug and looked at the liquid inside. He was so tired, he just wanted to sleep but he was a bit unsure about taking medican to help him sleep. She must have realized something was up when Maglor just kept staring at the mug for a solid 3 minutes. She sat down on the bed and said, "If you don't want to take it, you do not have too. I can tell your brother you did so he does not have to worry. Then I'll just stay here to make sure you don't have any nightmares." 

Maglor looked at her and shook his head. He hated lying to Maedhros and he did want a good night sleep. He took a breath, closed his eyes, and drank the liquid quickly. He made a slight face, the honey and sugar did help but it still tasted a bit nasty. She chuckled a bit at his face and said, "Just try to get some rest, tomorrow we will take care of the rest." 

He laid back a bit on the bed and looked over at her as she moved about. He looked over at the entrance as Maedhros walked back in. This time he was holding Maglor's bag which had his notebook and some other things. Maglor did spot his harp in there but he did not make any note of it. He just grabbed his notebook and wrote something down. He then waved to Handal and she came over. She looked down and read: 'Thank you for helping me, yet I heard you were a bit unnatural at healing...so is it possible for you to be able to make me talk again?' 

After she finished reading it she looked at Maglor and said, "We will talk about this tomorrow. Tonight just rest." 

Maglor gave a small sigh and just settled back into bed. He felt the herbs taking effect since he felt his mind slow. His eyes closed and eventually, he fell asleep. Once asleep Maedhros let out a long breath and asked, "can you sneak that into my other brother's food or drinks?" 

"I would not recommend it, after all, it does wear off and from what I heard you may want something a bit more long-lasting." She said. "Like a brick to the head." 

Maedhros looked at her for a long moment and began chuckling. He had to cover his mouth and he just shook his head. "That can work." He said after his small bit of laughter died down. "I have a question though...about Maglor. I know from what you said you can help him but will be like how he used to be? Or will he be different?" 

"That's something I can't answer. You have to give him the time he needs to heal since everyone is different when it comes to this. You can look at Arhiri and Kailu as examples, they both went through a lot and they did change. Arhiri did become much more drawn in and untrusting. Yet, Kailu remained the same, in fact he became better than he was before. He learned to deal with his blindness and use it as an advantage for him not a weakness. He became much more easy-going and he was able to let himself just be free." She replied. 

"Alright. So we just need to wait and see?" Maedhros asked. 

"That's right," She said. "Now you should get some sleep as well and judging by your eyes you might want a brick to the head." 

Maedhros looked at her and said, "No. I think I am okay." 

"Suit yourself," She said as she gathered up somethings on her desk. She then handed Maedhros another small mug and said, "Here. This is what I gave Maglor, I did give him some more but it still looks like you can use some sleep." 

"Thank you but I think I'll be okay," He said. 

"If you change your mind it's right here," She said and placed the cup on the table. She then walked out and when she came back in she found Maedhros sound asleep sitting upright in the chair. She chuckled a bit and grabbed an extra blanket and laid it over him. She smiled a bit as she remembered that Finwe also had that talent. To fall asleep in any position; anywhere. His grandchildren all and a bit of him. Well him and Miriel, they all had a bit of both. 

A broken Voice - A Silmarillion FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now