Chapter 1- Eve

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It's your birthday tomorrow. Your 21st birthday. That day is when KORP sends two men in uniform conscript you to join the military. Maybe. Right now, you need to enjoy every last second of today and what you can tomorrow. Too bad you're stuck in a classroom at college. You're sat there like a duck doing everything you can to stay awake, seeing as your geometry teacher is a pretty boring person. Never makes the class laugh or anything. The only thing keeping you from losing your mind is getting to see your friends in college. It's also the only thing that gets you out of bed in the morning. But then again. In geometry, you sit next to Nina and she's pretty fun. So that's the upside to being in geometry.

"So, Jackson. It's your birthday tomorrow. What are your plans?" Nina inquires.
"Dunno, to be fair. Probably gonna spend the night with you guys, or Jackie." You reply, awkwardly as you mention the name.
"Oh, Jackie. You seemed a little off when you mentioned her name. Something wrong?"
It takes you a few moments to come up with a truthful answer. But you try anyway.
"Not really, just that she's really high maintenance" You say with a little irony.

After Geometry class is over, you and Ivy head to Art class. She seems happy to see you, despite her just breaking up with her boyfriend. You were there to cheer her up and that's what made you friends. You haven't really known each other that long but she's definitely one of your best friends. "What're you doin' on your birthday tomorrow, then Jackson?" The second time you're asked this. You're not annoyed at all. You feel glad that people care about you; aside from your parents. "Dunno. Probably hang out or spend the night with Jackie. Might probably be the last time we spend time together for a while."

You and the rest of the class get your things out and get on with the lesson. You have to paint a trophy. It takes you a while to paint it but the payoff is worth your while. It takes you 2 hours to finish - which is how long art class lasts. "Anyway, see you later then?" You inquire to Ivy. "Hmm? Oh.. sure yeah, see ya later" She replies. Next up, lunch hour. You drive your car home and you eat whatever is in the fridge. You hear Tori come down the stairs. She sees you and yelps out loud, thinking you were an intruder. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" You yell as you drop 'your' sandwich. "Ha. Got ya. Anyway, how come you're home so early?" She asks with a smug look. "I'm not, it's my lunch hour. What're you doin' here anyway?" You ask. You know full well that she's flunking off school. "Sick." She quickly replies.
"Yeah. Sure you are. Anyway, I'm heading back. I'll see you later. If Jackie comes, tell her I'll be home late."

Anyway, later you head to business studies with Ethan. You both give each other one of those man-hi-fives. (Like the handshake Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers do in predator) "Got any plans tonight?" He asks. "Maybe." You give a vague reply to him compared to the other replies you gave to both Ivy and Nina. You and Ethan go to your seats, which aren't next to each other. You're sat next to a cute girl called Leah Burcham. Although you're taken, you can't help but flirt with her, because she's just too pretty. "Afternoon, class. Can we settle down a little?" Miss Dalton asks as she enters the room, looking sexy in her outfit. (She always does) "Anyway, we're gonna carry on the work we did yesterday. But you need to find yourself a partner to work with. Preferably whoever you're sat next to, just to save the hassle." So you would be working with Leah. "So.. how much have you done?" You ask Leah in a seductive manner. "I've got to the 5th part which is on Inflation." She's much further ahead of you. Usually you get really distracted in business, as it's not that exciting. Either that or you're staring down Miss Dalton for the majority of the lesson. "Shit. I'm only on the third part. Can I look at yours so I can catch up? Please?" She sighs as she turns her monitor to you so you can look at her work.
"Better not copy my work or I'll break your arm." She threatens in a humorous tone.
"I love it when you talk dirty." You confidently murmur. "Shut up." She replies.

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