Chapter 2- The FNG

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"Here's your drink, hun." The waitress says as she hands you your drink. Yours was late because you were 'busy'. So you, Nina, Ivy and Ethan have a fun time there. There's a lot more at Club Atlantis, than one might think. Free WiFi was definitely one.
You spend the next few hours getting drunk and flirting with the staff. You had fun. While it lasted. You were interrupted by a certain someone. Two men in uniform came to you.

"Jackson Miller?" One of them asked.
"Y-yes?" You ask nervously.
"Can you come with us please?" The other asks you. You say goodbye to your friends. Little to they know it will be the last goodbye you'll make for a long time. They drive you to your house so they can speak to your parents. "Mr and Mrs Miller, KORP has asked us to recruit your son into the military. By law it is required that all men who are worthy join the army at age 18-21. They are required to spend at least one year of service before they are allowed to leave."

Your mom and dad are shocked to hear the news. You go into the back room to call your friends to be at your house ASAP.
In 15 minutes, they arrive. "What's going on?" Nina inquires. "I'm being conscripted, that's what." You reply.
"We understand, sir. But what if he gets injured?" Your mom asks.
"If he gets wounded in action, he will leave distinguished." He replies.
Although both your mom and dad served in the military before, that was before they moved here. They don't know the rules of military service round here.

"I can't believe you're going." Ivy complains, upset. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." You reply, hugging her. "Do I need to take anything with me?" You ask, assuming you probably will.
"Only a change of clothes and you may bring bathroom essentials." The man replies.
"Okay, so when do I go to the base?" You ask inquisitively. "Right now. We're here to pick you up." He replies like it's a stupid question.
"Oh..." You whine, upset that you're about to leave everyone behind. You say goodbye to everyone individually. You turn your back to your family and friends for the last time. And prepare for your life to change forever.

You climb into the car as the men drive you to the army base. You see everything that you leave everything behind. The college, the Mall, that spicy ramen shack, yep even Club Atlantis. As you approach the base, you're greeted by a KORP soldier. Fully armed and kitted our. You find him extremely intimidating. The soldier checks the car and looks at you. "So this is the FNG, huh? Hehehe." He says in a bullying manner. They drive forward, approaching a building. As you enter the building, you realise that there is no going back now. When you walk into the building there are around 15 others in the same room, waiting for their uniform. The first person you meet looks at you as you sit next to him. "You also new then?" He asks. "Yep. Who are you, then?" You ask in a friendly way. "Josh Mitchell." He replies.
"I'm Jackson Miller." You say.
"Gotta say, I'm shitting myself about this." Josh worries. "Nah, the only issue is that I'm leaving everything and everyone behind." You boast. "We're all on the same boat, brother. I'm leaving my girlfriend home with 2 kids. But she's a great mother, she can handle it." He says. "Oh. My girlfriend dumped me today. I got over it real quick though." Soon, a man in uniform comes to assess you all. You're handed a tick sheet - consisting of things like problems, reputation and religion problems. "TEN-HUT!" He yells sharply. You all stand at ease instantly. "Good afternoon, ladies. My name, is Lee Barton. I will be your CO, for the next seven weeks. I will make you from sissies, into hardened soldiers! You will not like me, but that is no problem! Because the more you hate me, the more you will learn! If you have any problems, then I will force them out of you! Now, follow me to your barracks!" You all follow your CO to your barracks, where you will find your uniform. You leave your baggage in the barracks and follow him to the main building. You are stunned by what you see. It has everything. Free WiFi, shopping centre, diners, lounges and rec rooms. "Here, is where you will spend free time when you're not training. Whenever you're free, you may come here to relax and do whatever you like. As long as you have your phones handy, calls are free." Maybe staying here might not be so bad. After all, I made a friend on the first day arriving.

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