Chapter 7: All legends fall

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Same as last time. It takes hours for you to arrive back to the planet. You fall asleep on the ship. Probably for the best, as you'll need the energy to fight the enemy. This time, when you arrive you're in luck. The ship isn't shot out of the sky. Mainly because you were able to push the enemy back which stopped Ground to air. Instead, you were deployed into a different region. It's larger but not as nice.

Your squad, or what's left of it has been renamed to 'RIGHTS.' And your callsign goes by the name, Dusk. Josh's callsign goes by Apex. And there were four others named;
Outlaw, Reaver, Taurus and Xenon. You have no squad leader, so you make the squad

****Note that all names from this point on will be used via the callsigns given. So that means Josh will be called Apex. And well, you know the rest of them. Seriously, I just told you.****

"All right boys, ON ME!" Apex calls out. You jump out of the ship which had landed and you all rush to the city. The city goes by the name of 'Berdark'. There are many soldiers that head to the same place. At the moment there is no fighting going on. Until you're informed about an ongoing fight. "Intel confirms that there is a rebellion going on. Do not engage the rebels. They may be on our side as they are opposing the Black Tusk, as are we." Apex says.
"So what's the plan?" Outlaw asks.
"Go in hard and light em up!" You respond. You climb aboard a humvee and join a long convoy which leads the the AO. You load your rifle so that it's got a full magazine. All is going well at the moment. Not too well though...

Suddenly, you're ambushed by Black Tusk aircraft which blew up one of the humvees. "CONTACT!" Taurus yells out. You all immediately jump out of the vehicle and get behind cover. You get behind a damaged column, while the bullets miss you by inches. You fire your rifle blindly and suppress the enemy soldiers who had just jumped out. But quickly, those soldiers were shot to a pulp by  Xenon who had flanked them. A missile is seen heading towards the enemy ship. It goes into the cockpit blowing the ship up from the inside. The ship falls out of the sky and causes a bigger explosion to a building nearby. "All right, lets move!" Reaver calls out. You and your allies spread out to find cover. "We've got multiple Black Tusk troops converging on our position! Take them out!" Commands Taurus. Enemy soldiers start firing on your position. Behind cover, and with one arm handy, you blindly fire at the oncoming soldiers, killing one of them, and wounding the other, causing them to limp away back behind cover. Outlaw throws a grenade toward the pile of rubble that the enemy soldiers were hiding behind. The grenade exploded and blew one of the soldiers into pieces, however the others were knocked back to meet their maker. They hit the ground and died from the impact. You all advance forward and eventually make it to the central of the city. It's practically ashes. There are bodies everywhere and civilians cowering behind buildings, terrified. There are also townspeople resisting the assault, however those who tried to fight and had perished wouldn't have lasted long. They have no armour, or any sort of protection. Just a rifle with limited ammo. You stop focusing on that though.

"Dusk, Xenon! On me! Apex, Taurus and Reaver! Stay here and provide support for the civvies!" Outlaw commands.
"I'll see you on the other side." You tell Apex.
"Me too, brother." He replies. You both give each other a forearm handshake as you and your group heads to flank the enemy. Several other soldiers join you as well.

You all get very weary about your surroundings, as you're in enemy territory.  "Stealth is key, so use it otherwise you will not make it out alive." Outlaw says quietly. Three of you creep up to the window to recon the area. There is an armoured vehicle suppressing your men. Along with many other soldiers advancing. Outlaw gives the word so that you cripple the enemy ambush.

You throw a grenade into the hatch of the armoured vehicle. You see the soldier panicking as they only have seconds to live. The grenade explodes and causes the vehicle to explode as well. The gas canisters on the side also catch fire, so they burn the place up. You see enemy soldiers panicking and running evasively trying to put out the fire. But unfortunately for them, they die a painful death and burn away into the ground. You call for support to put out the fire so you can advance. Friendly aircraft comes and drops water on the fire and extinguishes it. Once it's clear, you move forward to prevent the enemy from advancing. You all place spike traps and land mines to prevent enemy vehicles from entering the area. You also set up a checkpoint there, so the enemy knows that they'll be in shit when they enter it.

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