Chapter 5: Homecoming

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You have been on Solstice for 7 months now. Every day, sleeping in Alani's palace. And sleeping with Selianth by your side. More people have realised that she's your new lover. You both love each other passionately. You also have been going back to Crosswind to help with restoring the city. Most of the damage has been rebuilt. Every fallen soldier has had an individual burial, in the Crosswind cemetery. Except for Williams, though. In his will, he wrote that he wanted to be buried on Earth. You could understand that easily. But you feel bad for him as he died on another planet. If you were born on Earth, you will die on Earth.
But as long as you have Selianth in your life, you don't care where you die.
It's been 3 months since your last battle as well. They must be retreating. "Not long till we go home, Miller." Josh says.
"Yup. 3 days. But there's one issue." You worry.
"What's that?" Josh asks.
"Selianth. When I go home, that's another girlfriend I'm gonna lose. I'll really miss her." You say sadly.
"Dude, don't worry about it. We're coming back y'know. To the exact same place. Besides, you've got parents who miss you." He says. You feel much better the way he puts it.
"Guess you're right. Then again, you've got a girlfriend and a kid waiting for you, so yeah." You mention. "Exactly." He replies.

You go and look for the mom and her kid, to make sure they're okay. You see them stood together in the marketplace. It's getting crowded, as people haven't left their homes in weeks or months. "Excuse me, ma'am!" You call out. The lady recognises your voice so she comes to you. "Hello, again sir." She says.
"I've just come to see how you're doing." You say. "We're doing great. we've got a new house, Keidra is going to school, and I have my own job, now. So yes, it is going good!" She remarks. "That's good to hear. Anyway, I'm going home soon, to another planet." You say to them both. "Oh, another planet? Where?" Keidra asks. "It's called Earth. A planet in another galaxy. It's extremely far away. I look forward to seeing you again in a few months." You boast. "Okay, goodbye!" She shouts as your turn away. You head back to the palace.

———————<2 DAYS LATER>———————

It's your final day. In the morning. You wake up to have Selianth sleeping on your chest. Your hand on her hip, and her palm on your torso. You smile down on  her, and kiss her on her snout. "Morning, honey." You say to her, happily. "Hey, Jackson. The drop ship's heading for us. It'll be here in one hour." You get up, and take a shower, with Selianth joining you. "How about a little help, darling?" She seduces, while rubbing your cock slowly. You close your eyes and turn your head up, as she strokes it. You turn around. "I think you need a little help too." You say as you grab her breasts firmly. You squeeze and lick all around her breasts. Her left leg wraps around your hip. You pull her in for the most intense kissing ever. Both of your forearms around her neck, and both her hands on either side of your head. You fall backwards so she is now on top. You're both soaking wet. And still kissing under the shower after 20 minutes straight. "All right Jackson, that's enough. You need to get ready." She tells you. "Yep you're right." You say as you dry yourself and get your clothes and armour on. You report to the base (throne room) and prep for getting picked up.

The ship lands in the central of the palace estate. All of the soldiers climb aboard. Selianth and Alani follow you to the ship. "One last thing." You say, as you give Selianth another huge kiss. Alani watches. She doesn't mind, as she knows you both are in a relationship. "I love you." You say to her.
"Likewise, dear." She says to you as the doors close. The thought of leaving her really saddened you. Returning back to her made you feel better, though. You fall asleep on the ship as you prepare for an 8 hour flight back home.

You wake up a few hours in to look out the window. It's a beautiful view of all the planets that you pass. You see more ships fly alongside yours. You fall asleep again.

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