Chapter Eight- Forgotten History

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Summer and Autumn looked around for the owner of the voice, but all they saw as a older male. Said man was smiling at them, but he looked like he was ready to remove them, if they answered incorrectly. "Did River Windstrom sent you?"

"Sorry, I didn't know Grandma told anyone," Luna said looking at him. He looked to be around River's cycle, but still, something was off about him. How did he know her grandma's family name? "Nor did she tell us that someone was waiting for us."

"Her age must be catching up to her," he said a smile on his face. He couldn't see them before, but now he could.

"So you knew grandmother?" Spring asked. She wondered why he lived here if she was in Seasonal Tribe land, it would be hard to meet.

"Spring, he did just ask of she sent us," Winter said rolling her eyes. Summer had put her down, just in case they needed to fight, but so far it looked like it wasn't needed. "So he must know her, or else he would ask 'whose there?' or 'why are you here?', really Spring you need to think before you ask questions."

"River and I are friends," the man told them. He knew about them, the two had been sending each other letters for years, so he knew about her daughter, son and grandchildren. "But it's been awhile since I've spoken to someone."

"You live here by yourself?" Luna asked, she was getting tired of Spring and Winter fighting, not that they were. At the moment, but still it was getting on her nerves. "Spring, Winter is younger then you. Stop picking fights with her."

"But she started this one," Spring told her, while yes, words weren't being used, the two were glaring at each other.

"No, I have company," he told them, two lightly coloured creatures stood next to him, both of them went to Luna's hip.

"What are they?" Winter whispered looking at them. Looking at them, they reminded her of something. Just darker and walking around the dead trees. At first she thought she was imaging something, but it was before Luna came and then they left.

"Curious young thing."

"Sorry about Winter. It's been awhile since we've had a break," Luna said, he hadn't told him his name, but they hadn't told him theirs, so they had to wait for someone to ask.

"It's fine. I haven't told you my name, have I?"

"No," Winter told him shaking her head. All he did was smile and she knew that she was meant to do something. "I am Winter Imani, it's nice to meet you."

"I guess old age is not only catching up to River," he said a smile on his face. He knew their names, but he didn't have to tell them that."Leaf Sanderson."

"Luna Petunia," Luna said looking at Winter. She was treating someone nicely? Sure, she had seen how Winter would act around Lily, but she knew that they loved each other. The fact that Winter was being nice to someone she didn't know, hurt. It really hurt.

"Spring Petunia," Spring said keeping an eye on the two creatures by Leaf's said, she didn't trust them. Something was just off, maybe it was their markings.

"Summer Meadow," Summer said waving his hand. Like he told Spring with Jake, he didn't trust Leaf, just because he looked weak. Didn't mean he was.

"Autumn Copper," Autumn said. He didn't know what, but something was off. Maybe it was because he thought he had seen a piece of grass, something he had seen in River's books, but not in real life. "So you know why we're here?"

"I know why you're here," Leaf told them. Remembering what Luna had told him, he smiled at them. "Why don't you come and get some sleep. The next leg will be tricky."

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