Chapter Three- What About Bilbo?

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Chapter 3- What About Bilbo

Third Person POV

"Brynn," Kili whispered, placing a gentle hand on his childhood friend's shoulder. "B, it's time to wake up."

Brynn groaned, rolling from her side to her back before reaching her arms out and stretching. "No," she muttered. Her tousled auburn hair seemed to gleam gold in the early-morning sunshine.

Kili chuckled, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind her ears. Her skin was soft against his rough hands. "Brynn," he tried again. "You're going to be left behind."

Her soft green eyes fluttered open, and she brought her hand up to shield her vision. "It's so bright," she grumbled.

"Uncle Thorin has informed us that we're to be ready to move out in less than an hour," Fili chimed in, leaning over Kili's shoulder. His beard had been recently braided, and his gray-blue eyes sparkled with mischief. "I see you're finally awake," he noted, grinning down at Brynn.

She sighed before finally sitting up and stretching. Her back was sore from sleeping out in the field across from Bag-End. After their night at Bilbo's Hobbit Hole, the Company had cleaned up their mess and departed into the moonlight. Concluding that it would be better to sleep outside than risk the anger of Bilbo, they set up camp outside.

Brynn yawned, before finally locking eyes with Kili. "Morning," she smiled softly.

"Morning," he echoed, his lips curling upward and into a heart-fluttering smile. His raven-black hair was a tangled mess, but his eyes were warm and cheery.

"Breakfast is ready!" Bombur, who had taken over the role of cook, announced. He held a small ladle in his hands as he leaned over the fire to stir a giant cauldron.

Kili offered a hand up to Brynn, and she took it gladly. His hands were big compared to hers and rough from years of labor. Her heart fluttered as he pulled her to her feet, effortlessly. "Thank you," she blushed, looking down to hide the color in her cheeks.

Fili looked away and made his way to gather his things. He found himself glancing over his shoulder to catch another glimpse of Brynniell's smiling face. She was beautiful, to be sure. But what was he feeling toward her? It was nothing, he told himself. Just the feeling of finding his long-lost friend.

"What have you got there?" Bofur asked, turning Fili's attention away from his thoughts. Thorin, Gandalf, Ori, Nori, and Gloin led a parade of ponies down the hill and to their campsite.

"We found some sturdy beasts to help carry us along the way, Master Bofur," Gandalf smiled from underneath the brim of his gray-pointed hat. "I think you'll find that the ponies will bear us well."

Fili smiled at the sight of their shaggy manes and beautiful, shiny coats. "They're good animals," he commented.

"Oh, they're beautiful!" Brynn's voice sang as she hurried forward to pet one of the brown ponies. The pony, in turn, nuzzled her with its white-streaked nose. "Awh," the woman cooed. "You're a sweetie, aren't you, girl?"

"Everyone load your belongings onto the ponies and eat," Thorin ordered, authority rippling in his deep voice. "We need to move out before we lose too much of the morning."

Everyone claimed a pony and secured their excess weapons, packs, and supplies over the saddle. Fili chose for himself a honey-colored pony while Kili picked a wild, black shaggy-maned fellow. Brynn had already loaded her belongings on the brown horse, by the time Kili and Fili arrived to assist her.

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