Chapter Six- Troll Hole

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Chapter Six- Troll Hole

It had all happened so quickly. One moment the Dwarves had thrown down their weapons to save their comrades and the next half of them had been shoved into sacks and the remaining Dwarves had been stripped of their clothes and tied to a spit. The spit was then thrust onto a rotisserie and now was being spun by one of the trolls over a crackling fire.

"Oh!" cried Nori frantically. He'd been one of the unfortunate Dwarves who'd been tied to the spit. "That's hot! That's hot!"

"Don't bother cooking them," grumbled William, the third troll. "Let's just sit on them and squash them into jelly."

"They should be sautéed and grilled with a sprinkle of sage," Bert decided, giving the Dwarves a spin.

"IS this really necessary?" demanded Balin weakly.

"Ooh, that does sound quite nice," sniffled the third troll with a sort of eager enthusiasm.

"Untie me, mister!" pleaded Bombur, who had been stuffed into the biggest sack.

"Eat someone your own size!" snarled Gloin with a fire just as red as his beard.

From her place beside Kili, Brynn grimaced. Her bow and other weapons had been stolen from her along with her pride. Now in her undergarments, she lay tossed aside in her sack. "I'm sorry," she whispered to Thorin. She was close to him, and close enough to see the fire in his eyes.

"It wasn't your fault," Thorin replied coldly as he glowered at the Hobbit by his feet.

The Dwarves on the spit along with the ones in the sacks were making all sorts of noises and jabbering on in fear. Kili was kicking and trying to free himself, but his eyes were Fili, who'd been snared by the trolls and secured to the spit. "Fili!"

Brynn's face had contorted from worry to pain as her rib throbbed at her side. She felt hands ball into fists: it was hopeless and useless to struggle. She was going nowhere.

"Never mind the seasoning," ordered the first troll. "We ain't got all night! Dawn ain't far away, so let's get a move on. I don't fancy being turned to stone."

Bilbo, having heard what Tom said, had an idea. "Wait!" he shouted. "You are making a terrible mistake."

"You can't reason with them," Dori shouted from over the fire. "They're half-wits!"

"Half-wits?" demanded Bofur. "What does that make us?"

Brynn gritted her teeth again, trying in vain to loosen the ropes around her wrists. Her hair was plastered against her head and her heart was thumping wildly against her chest. This couldn't be how her adventure would end. Where was Gandalf? Had the Wizard really abandoned her?

Bilbo managed to get to his feet (even though he was still tied up in a sack) and hopped unsteadily forward. He faced the trolls with a new-found determination, knowing that he needed to buy some time. "I meant with the uh," he stammered, "With the seasoning."

"What about the seasoning?" demanded the cook, stooping down to glare at the Hobbit.

"Well have you smelled them?" asked Bilbo with a smirk. "You're going to need something stronger than sage before you plate this lot up."

Bombur rolled over in his sack. "Traitor!" he shouted at the Hobbit. The Dwarves in sacks the sacks shook in fury, attempting to kick at Bilbo or at least bring him to the ground.

Brynn gritted her teeth. The Hobbit would never betray them! He'd sworn the same path they all had by taking part in signing the contract. They were to all be loyal to one another and fight side-by-side until the last man stood.

An Unexpected Adventure (a Kili/Fili love story) ***ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now