20: Pointless

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Silas dropped us off at the front of Poletti's, I could feel his eyes on me as we made our way inside and I tried not to linger on the realization that all I wanted was to turn around and get back in the car with him.

"Table for two." Eric slurred at the host, who pretended not to notice, giving us a polite nod and leading us to a small booth far from the bar.

"Can I get you both started with something to drink?"

"Could I get a wine list?" Eric asked, unfolding his napkin and placing it in his lap.

"And I'll just take a water." I added before he could walk away.

"Oh come on," Eric laughed, "We're celebrating! As of this afternoon, the McKellan project is finally over!"

"Fine, never mind," I told the hostess as he hovered, waiting for clear direction. He nodded and scurried off to find the wine list.

"Since when do I have to convince you to have a glass of wine?"

"Since I think one of us should try and be somewhat sober." I muttered.

Eric's cheerful expression hardened, "What's with you? We made love, we're out to dinner, I just told you I finished my biggest project of the year which means I can take tomorrow off. I know I had to work today, but I hurried home as fast as I could. You're acting like I've done something to upset you."

"You didn't." I sighed, "I'm just in a weird mood."

"Well get out of it, please." He grumbled, "I'd like to have a nice evening with you."

A waiter approached our table, handing Eric the wine list he'd requested from the host, and asking if we'd be wanting any appetizers. Eric selected a wine I couldn't pronounce and ordered us each a Caprese salad to start. I stared down at my menu and tried to get control over my increasingly sour mood.

"Eric," I started as soon as the waiter had run off to the kitchen, "What would you say if I told you I wanted to get a bike?"

"A bike?" He let out a confused laugh, "Can you even ride a bike?"

"Sort of. I wanted to learn."

"A little late in life for that isn't it? You have a perfectly nice car, what would you need a bike for?"

I pressed my mouth into a tight line, struggling to keep my tone under control, "I just want to learn for fun."

"Alright, if that's what you want." He shrugged, turning his attention back to the menu, "I have to say though, you sure are taking up a lot of pointless hobbies lately."

"Like what?" I balled my fingers into tight fists under the table.

"Like reading tasteless fiction, for one thing." He ignored my glare with a lazy gaze around the restaurant, "You thought I wouldn't notice all of those e-book purchases on my account? I should have known you'd never actually read War and Peace, that was just a cover up wasn't it?"

"Well, what else am I supposed to do all day?" I couldn't help it, I raised my voice and Eric's focus snapped over to me. "You don't think I should go back to work, Silas does all the housework and runs all the errands, and you're never home to keep me company."

"Lower your voice, Maura." He closed his menu and loosened his tie, "You're causing a scene. I'm not against you having hobbies. For the record, I'm also not against you working, I just think it's pointless when I make more than enough to support us. As for the android, I'm more than happy to return it to Lorraine if it's making you feel inferior. I've never liked the dammed thing anyways."

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