2 - Bellamy?

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Raven: What guy? - she asked Clarke

Clarke: Well it's a funny story actually... - she nervously giggled

Raven: Does it look like I'm laughing? - she asked Clarke with a poker face, making Clarke swallow dry

Clarke: Ok, not funny story - she started telling Raven - I was at the reception when I accidentally bumped into a guy, we was really pretty, his eyes sparkled so much, and his freckles... and his voice and .... - Raven interrupts Clarke lunatic description

Raven: CLARKE - she snapped her fingers in front of her face - Focus!

Clarke: Oh sorry... anyways... I dropped my card and so did he, the thing is that when I went to get it, I probably switched them and gave him ... ours..... - she looked at Raven's reaction -

Raven: Oh Clarke, Clarke, Clarke... - she eventually laughed - come on, let's find this mysterious guy - she said to Raven and they both started walking down the hall

Harper: Hello! Sorry?? - a young girl screamed behind Clarke and Raven - Hello?? - She said a little louder and the girls finally noticed

Raven: Hey! Can we help you? - she asked the girl

Harper: Hello, yes actually! - she smiled - me and my... - she looked around trying to find Monty, but didn't find him anywhere - boyfriend, who's not here now, are trying to find the pool... - she explained them - Do you guys have any idea where it is? - she asked, making Clarke and Raven exchange glances

Clarke: Actually... me and my friend were going to the pool after we put our bags in our room - she looked at Raven

Raven: Yeah, if you and your boyfriend want to join us, you're more than welcome too. - she said and smiled to the young girl

Harper: That would be great thank you! I'm just going to find my boyfriend first - she laughed - He's probably looking into some algae collection - she rolled her eyes but still smiled - Maybe we can meet after you guys are done unpacking? - she asked Clarke and Raven

Clarke: Yeah for sure! - she said and smiled - Can we have your phone number?

Harper: Of course! - she gave them her number - I'm Harper by the way - she said - It's nice to meet you...

Clarke: Oh right! I'm Clarke, and this is my friend Raven - she looked at Raven - we'll see you later then? - she smiled

Harper: Of course! - she smiled and left, whispering "Montyyyy" as she went down the hall

Raven: Great now we have to find our real room ok? - She said to Clarke who nodded after

Clarke: I think it's this one... - she said after walking for a few minutes. - 102, it's what their card says so it must be this one.

Raven: Great, I have to pee but you stay here in case anyone arrives ok? - she said to Clarke

Clarke: Ok, I think the bathroom is over there - she pointed to a small room with a sign on the door saying "Lady's"

Raven: Great, be right back - she said to Clarke and left her alone

A few minutes have passed and still no Raven, or Bellamy, the guy she bumped into at the reception. Clarke was starting to get impatient so she decided to do some quick cross words.

Clarke: I am become death, destroyer of worlds - she said out loud sitting on the suitcase - 11 letters - she started thinking

Clarke/Bellamy: Oppenheimer! - they said at the same time

Clarke: Oh Hey! - she said surprised - I... didn't know you here...

Bellamy: I see you finally came - he nervously laughed

Clarke: Yeah you know - she blushed - we kinda switched our card at the reception when we...

Bellamy: Yeah I know - he laughed - Here... - he handed Clarke her real card

Clarke: Thank you, Bellamy... - she said and blushed, again

Bellamy: I see someone remembers my name - he smiled - Clarke... - he made her smile - So, are you here alone or? - he started a conversation

Clarke: Oh! Actually I'm here with a friend, she must be here anytime now, she just "quickly" went to the bathroom - she laughed

Bellamy: My sister also went to the bathroom actually - he said - and Clarke remembered the dark haired girl from that morning - So... Clarke.. do you... - their conversation was interrupted by...

Raven: Bellamy???? - she asked in shook seeing him in front of her, and making Clarke confused


Raven finally got to the bathroom. She looked at the mirror and arranged her red jacket and her ponytail. She was fixing her makeup when, seeing the mirror's reflection, spotted a girl at the back, looking for something

Raven: Hey! - she smiled looking back - Want some help? - she asked the young girl

Octavia: Oh, actually I was just looking for some paper - she explained to Raven

Raven: Here - she handed her some tissues she had in her back pocket

Octavia: Thanks! - she said - I'm Octavia, nice to meet you

Raven: Raven - she smiled - Are you here alone? - she asked her

Octavia: Actually no, my brother is here with me, we're visiting our parents... - she said - You?

Raven: Me and my friend are just here to get a tan - she blinked and made Octavia laugh

Octavia: A funny thing happened actually - she laughed - My brother bumped into an "amazing girl" - she tried to imitate her brother's voice - as he said - she laughed - and apparently they switched room cars, so we're here waiting for the girl to show up - she smiled as she washed her hands

Raven: How funny - she laughed- the girl your brother bumped into is the friend I'm here with - she looked at Octavia

Octavia: Oh great! Then my brother must be with her right now - she said - come on let's go Raven - and they both left the bathroom heading up to the room

Raven could already spot two people talking, Clarke and a tall brunette guy, the guy had curly brown hair and was handing Clarke, probably the card. He looked so familiar to Raven... but as she approached them...

Raven: Bellamy???? - she looked at him in shook and noticed Clarke's confused look

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