9 - the one where Lexa and Octavia..

300 9 18

30 minutes earlier

Octavia noticed that everyone was playing basketball so she knew it was her chance. She had to free Lexa. She went to the place where they locked her up, and quickly untied the ropes.

Octavia: I'm getting you out of here - She said to the prisoner

Lexa blushed while she looked at the young girl saving her. Why would she do that for her?

Lexa: Thank you Octavia - she said gently and smiled

Octavia: You'll thank me later, let's go - she said and finished the job

Lexa: Wait, you're coming with me? - she asked

Octavia: Hell yeah I am - she smiled and looked at her eyes

Lexa: Come with me - she grabbed Octavia's hand and both left
Octavia: Go where? - she asked while both ran off

Lexa: You'll see - she smiled and Octavia trusted her
They both kept making eye contact while walking. Lexa was leading Octavia to what seemed to be a mountain. Of course she was curious to know where they were going, but something told Octavia that she could trust that girl.

Octavia: What are we doing here - she asked when they both stopped in front of a mountain

Lexa: Ready? - she looked at her and smiled


Bellamy: Here is my sister? - he screamed, angry

Clarke: And where's the grounder? - she looked worried around the room, only seeing the ropes laying on the floor

Bellamy: I BET THAT STUPID GROUNDER KIDNAPPED MY SISTER, IF SHE DID I - he was interrupted by Clarke

Clarke: Clam down Bellamy, everything will be fine - she tried to calm him down

Bellamy: If anything happens to my sister Clarke... - he said trying to control himself

Murphy: I totally bet they're having an affair - he giggled

Bellamy: what did you just said? - he slowly turned back and looked at Murphy

Murphy: I said, I totally bet they're having an affair - he said louder

Bellamy didn't even thought twice, he punched Murphy in the face and made him bleed from his nose

Raven: WHAT THE HELL BELLAMY - she immediately jumped and set both Bellamy and Murphy apart - Are you ok? - she turned to Murphy

Murphy: I'm fine - he said swiping his nose - What the hell is wrong with you Bellamy? - he asked

Bellamy: Go float yourself - he said

Monty: Well, this is real fun - he said and made Harper laugh, tho everyone else kept their face straight

Bellamy: I'm gonna go find my sister and kill that grounder bitch - he said and left

Harper: Yo Bell you don't know what happened or who she is, BELLAMY - she screamed while he was already walking into the unknown. (A.N. : get it? xD)

Clarke: Bellamy wait! - she also screamed - we're coming with you! - she said and looked at everyone

Murphy: We are? Oh great, another chance to die, let's go. - he smiled and Raven laughed

The group left camp, into the woods, looking for Octavia.


Lexa: Ready?

Octavia: Always - she smiled and looked at her

Lexa smiled back and pushed some bushes over to reveal a lever

Octavia: OMG THATS SO COOLLL - she said - Ops Sorry, hm, that's interesting.. - she blushed

Lexa: Oh you haven't seen anything yet - she laughed and pushed the lever, opening a secret entrance on the mountain

Octavia: OH. MY. GOD - Octavia was paralyzed looking at that - WHAT THE HELL YOU LIVE IN A MOUNTAIN, OMG YOU'RE SO COOL - her eyes were sparkling and her reaction made Lexa blush even more

Lexa: Wanna come inside? - she asked

Octavia: WELL YEAH! - she said

Lexa: Meet, Polaris. Our secret village. - she smiled

Octavia: COoollll - she said looking around

Suddenly both girls heard a noise coming from the outside and they looked back to see what it was. They saw a group of grounders coming in their direction

Grounder: It's the commander!! - someone screamed

Grounder 2: Kill the intruder!! - someone else screamed

Lexa: NO ONE TOUCHES HER! - she screamed and everyone stopped talking - She saved my life

Grounder 3: Yes commander - he said and immediately everyone knelt before Lexa

Octavia: What the hell is going on?? - she asked Lexa scared

Lexa: Oh that's right, I forgot to tell you that I'm the commander - she giggled

Octavia: WOW, dope - she smiled

Lexa: You can stand up warriors

Grounder 4: Where have you been commander? - someone asked

Lexa: Long story... don't worry about it... please leave me and Octavia alone now.

Grounder 4: Thank you for saving her life, Octavia. - he said to Octavia who was still processing everything

Octavia: Hmm Yeah sure.. hm.. no problem - she smiled nervously

Once alone, Octavia and Lexa finally got the chance to talk. After a long talk, Octavia finally said:

Octavia: It was great meeting you, and, all this, but, I have to go back, back to my friends, my brother..

Lexa: I know you do Octavia, I'll walk you out - she looked into Octavia's eyes and then downed her look

Octavia: Thank you - she said and blushed

Lexa lead Octavia to the exit, and they were ready to say goodbye

Lexa: Hey.. - she looked at her - Thank you again, if you ever need me, you know - she smiled

Octavia: I'm sorry my friends treated you like this, I just did the right thing - she also smiled

They were both looking at each other, trying to find the right words to say goodbye. Octavia finally said goodbye and started walking, but she tripped on a rock. Lexa immediately ran and grabbed Octavia by the waist, setting them apart just by a few centimeters

Octavia: I... - she quietly said looking at her greenish eyes

Lexa: Don't say anything - she whispered. Their lips were almost touching

Octavia: Thank you again - she also whispered and closed her eyes - getting even more closer to Lexa, ready to kiss her but...

Bellamy: WHAT THE F*CK - he screamed watching what was going on while Clarke and the others were in shook

Murphy: I KNEW IT! - he also screamed, and both Lexa and Octavia were speechless

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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