7 - The Grounder

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   The group was surrounded by strangers, they didn't know who they were and what they wanted from them, they just knew that they needed to get out of that situation quickly.

Clarke: Guys they are getting closer - she said trying not to panic

Murphy: They must live here, in this island. - he said - HEY! WE'RE NOT HERE TO HURT YOU - he screamed to the strangers with masks on

Raven: I don't think they can understand you Murphy - she said

Monty: Guys on three you all hold your breath - he whispered - One.. Two..

Murphy: Wait What? - he didn't listen

Monty: Three - he then launches a smoke bomb, making the strangers run away.

Murphy: Dude - He screamed to Monty - What the hell is that - he started to shake is hand on his nose

Monty: It's a mega fart bomb - he laughed - Told you to hold your breath

Octavia: I think they're gone guys - she finally said after looking around the woods

Clarke and Bellamy: For now... - they said at the same time and made eye contact

Clarke: Who the hell were they? - she asked and everyone looked at her

Harper: They must live here as he said - she looked at Murphy

Murphy: So... they're grounders? - he asked

Bellamy: What ever they're called, they are dangerous - he said and looked at Clarke

Clarke: Bellamy's right - she looked at him and blushed - Tomorrow morning we get the hell out of here

Monty: I agree - he said - Can we please go to sleep now? - he asked everyone

Raven: Yeah guys we better sleep, let's leave the fire on so that at least they don't get near us  again - she said and everyone nodded

Octavia: But don't you wanna know who they are? - she asked and everyone looked at her

Bellamy: O, those people are dangerous - he said seriously to his sister

Octavia: But how do you know that? - she insisted

Clarke: They were about to kill us, you just saw it! - she said to Octavia

Octavia: Because we invaded their home, maybe if we can talk... - she's interrupted by her brother

Bellamy: O, stop it. This is not another aventure of yours ok? Let's all go to sleep so that tomorrow we can leave - he said to his sister

Octavia: But... - she tried to convence her brother

Bellamy: No but O. Now. - he said and walked away with the rest of the group

   A couple hours have passed, and the group was all asleep near to the fireplace they made earlier. All the group except Octavia. She couldn't stop thinking about the grounders, and how it was their fault they were acting like that.
   Octavia looked around the camp and saw everyone sleeping. She thought to herself what could be the worst thing that could happen. She got up and started walking to the florest.
   The sky was bright but Octavia could barely see, but still, continued walking through the woods. She got to this beautiful lake, blue as the ocean, clear as the sky that night. She saw a couple of rocks laying on the water and started walking to them.

Octavia: Omg - she screamed looking at the ground

   A girl.

Octavia: Are you ok? - she said looking at the young girl laying on the ground. She was passed out. The girl was surprisingly, so pretty. She had brown hair and Octavia bet with herself that her eyes would be green. Her skin was as pale as hers, and she had braids all over her hair.

Grounder: what happened? - the girl started waking up slowly

Octavia: Are you ok? - Octavia helped her getting on her feet

Grounder: Thank you - she softly said grabbing Octavia's arms

  Octavia was right, her eyes were as green as the grass, beautifully matching her dark hair

Octavia: I'm Octavia - she smiled, blushing to the young girl

Grounder: I'm...

BAMMMMMMMM - the sound of a gun sounded and a red thing was in the grounder's  neck

Bellamy: OCTAVIA! - he screamed and ran to her

Octavia: What the hell did you do Bellamy? - she said screaming and looking at the grounder, now passed out again

Bellamy: What are you doing here?? - he asked his sister

Octavia: It doesn't matter - she screamed and turned away - Is she going to be okay? - she asked worried

Bellamy: She'll wake up in a few hours Octavia. Let's take her to camp, she's one of them

Octavia: Bellamy Wait! - she said watching him take out the girl from her arms

Bellamy: She could have killed you Octavia - he seriously screamed and started walking to camp with the girl on his arms - Now let's go - he said

Octavia: Fine - she said and walked behind him

   Getting to camp, the sky was already getting lighter. Bellamy and Octavia entered the little wood house where the rest of the group was.

Clarke: What happened? - she asked Bellamy worried - Are you okay? Who is that? - she noticed the girl passed out on his arms

Bellamy: We're ok, - he said and didn't even looked at his sister - She's one of them - he said and putted the girl on the wood wall

Murphy: We should lock her and tie her up here - he said looking at the young girl

Raven: Yes we should - she agreed with Murphy

Bellamy: Do it, I'm going to catch some fresh air

   Two hours have passed since they got to the camp with the girl. The sun was up now and they were all near the wood house, watching the girl as...

Harper: Guys! - she screamed waking up the ones that were asleep - She's waking up - she yelled

  Immediately everyone got up and looked at her

Grounder: What... - she woke up - What are doing? - she screamed and tried to get rid of the strings blocking her hands

Bellamy: Who are you? - he screamed at the girl trying to get some answers

   The girl remained in silence now, she was scared, but couldn't show it to them

Clarke: Hey, - she looked at the girl - We want nothing from you, why are you attacking? - she asked, but again, no response

Bellamy: Damn it - he left the room pissed off with the girl after her absolute silence

  Everyone followed Bellamy outside, everyone but Octavia

Octavia: I'm so sorry they are doing this to you - she slowly said to the girl - I promise I'll get you out of here - she touched her tied hand

Grounder: My name... is Lexa - she said and looked at Octavia who was blushing now

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