5 - After the crash

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   The group could hear the weird noises coming from everywhere. Their ship has crashed. They hit against a big dark rock in the middle of the ocean. Half of the ship was already gone, sunk. They even saw some people jump to the water, knowing that, they were going to die soon.

Clarke: Is everyone ok? - she screamed, trying not to panic

Octavia: Helpp.. - she whispered in pain

Clarke: Omg Octavia - she instantly got up, ignoring her bleeding head - Don't worry Octavia, you'll be fine - she said trying to make her stay calm

   Clarke's mom, Abby, is a doctor. She taught her daughter the basics and what to do in case of an emergency. Clarke, seeing Octavia's bleeding leg, knew exactly what she had to do. She took off her grey sweatshirt, being just in a black top she had under it, ripped the sweatshirt in order to get fabric strips, and tied one to Octavia's leg, the strongest she could.

Octavia: Thank you... - she slowly said

Clarke: Now don't move ok? - she asked her - I need to see if the others are ok - she said and left her immediately

   One by one, Clarke made sure they were all ok. Monty had a glass spiky on his left arm, that Clarke took care of right away.

Clarke: Raven!!! - she screamed once she found her laying on the floor

Raven: What happened? - she slowly woke up -  Clarke?

Clarke: Raven it's ok, you probably passed out, but you're fine - she tried to control her tears, there was no time for that. The ship was almost gone, by then, there were no other people besides them, they were the only survivors left.

Raven: Omg Clarke... - she looked around - We're sinking - she said in panic - We.. we - tears started forming in her brown eyes

Clarke: Raven breathe... - she tried to calm her down quickly - I need your help ok? Find a boat. It's our only change to survive. The pilot is probably gone and the door of the rooftop was closed... RAVEN! - she screamed - We need you ok? You got this - she smiled and a couple of tears scrolled down her face

Monty/Harper: We'll help Raven - they both said, still in shook with everything happening

Clarke: I'm glad you guys are ok, you found Murphy? - she asked them

Harper: Yes he's fine - he pointed to where he was laying down

Clarke: That's a relief, but I need to see Bellamy - her face of panic started getting bigger - Where is he? - she asked everyone - Bellamy!!! - she screamed - Oh no... - she finally saw him, laying on a small compartment, bleeding. She couldn't avoid crying, but needed to help him, so she controlled herself.

Bellamy: Clarke... - he said with his eyes closed, hearing her voice

Clarke: I'm here... - she said, now crying - You're going to be ok, do you hear me? I'm not letting anything happen to you

   After quickly examining Bellamy, Clarke thank god, realized he had only hit his head. It could be worse. He was going to be ok, for now.

Clarke: You scared the crap outta me you silly - she laughed in tears, touching his hair

Bellamy: What, you thought I was going to leave you this soon? - he said still in pain

Clarke: Bellamy we're sinking - she downed her look - And from what i've seen, we are the only once's left on the ship, and we... - she couldn't anymore and started crying

Bellamy: Shhh... it's ok Clarke - he hugged her gently - We'll find a way...

Raven: I'm sorry to interrupt you two love birds, but we need to go... NOW - she said walking inside the compartment they were - We found an emergency boat - she smiled - We get to live!

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