8 - BasketBall Game

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Octavia: Lexa... - she blushed looking at the young girl all tied up in front of her

At that same moment Bellamy entered the room

Bellamy: Don't you think you've done enough here O? Did she said anything? - he asked his sister visibly pissed off

Octavia: No she didn't - she looked away - And I already told you Bellamy, I'm not a baby anymore, I can take care of myself. - After that she looked back at Lexa, just for a second - And she's not the enemy Bell. - she said and left the room

   It was morning again. The group slept no more than 5 hours and they were all tired. Clarke was drawing something on a piece of paper she found on her pocket. A map maybe

Bellamy: What's the princess doing? - he noticed Clarke making something, possible not interesting for him, but he just wanted to start a conversation with her

Clarke: Well, I figure out that if we're leaving this place today, we might just mark it on a map. At least we then can tell where we are. - she smiled at Bellamy, and started messing her hair with a pencil, making Bellamy blush

Bellamy: You got a talent there! - he said looking at her map

Clarke: Thank you - she blushed - So how's Octavia? - she asked

Bellamy: Who? - Bellamy got distracted with Clarke's blue eyes staring at his

Clarke: Hmmm... your SiStEr?? Octavia Blake?? - she said and laughed confused

Bellamy: Oh! Octavia, Sure hm, she's younger than me yeah. - he didn't even realized what he was saying at that point. Clarke wanted to laugh but just kept going

Clarke: Huh interesting, just what I asked huhu - she tried not to laugh.

Bellamy: Hey... - he blushed and started saying - look I was wondering if you would like to come with... - Who could possibly interrupt their conversation at this point??

Murphy: HEY GUYSSSS - he joins Bellamy and Clarke

Clarke: Oh... It's Murphy - she blushed and looked at Bellamy with a weird smile on her face that he could understand

Murphy: I'm not interrupting anything am I? - he asked and looked at them

Bellamy: Actually.....

Murphy: Great!! Now i need to ask you guys something - he said and immediately Clarke and Bellamy made eye contact, trying not to laugh again with Murphy.

Bellamy: Shot - He said to Murphy

Murphy: Well - He started blushing - Here's the thing.... I... - he suddenly blocked!!

Clarke: Murphy... that red face you're getting... Is it about Raven?

Raven was sitting in a green table with Harper and Monty talking about what they were going to do next. She had her hair down for everyone's surprise, but put it on a pony tail again soon. The sun was hitting her face and Murphy was too shy to go there talk to her, cause now he realized he kinda had a big crush on her.

Murphy: Well... - he looked at the green table made of sticks and some thing they found on the forest last night. - I always notice her there talking with her friends. She's really pretty and an amazing girl. I wish I had the guts to go there and talk to her. We always have these pretty amazing eye contact thing that makes me all shaky and nervous inside but..

Clarke: Omg.. - Clarke was already almost with her eyes full of tears - That's the sweetest thing every Murphy... - she said and looked at Bellamy with a puppy face

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