6 - Survival Skills

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Murphy: OMG - he screamed waking everyone up - LAND!!!!!

Clarke: WHAT! - she screamed waking up

   Everyone got up and immediately looked up. LAND. A beautiful green island right in front of them.
   The island was big, it had a small beach that conveyed calm. The palm trees full of coconuts at the top, flew with the slight wind. They could hear birds singing everywhere, they felt like the island was alive! There were also many rocks nearby, some of them looking like caves, but in that moment all they could think about, was how lucky they were, finding that island!

Raven: It's so beautiful - she said with her eyes glowing, looking at the water, and then to the island

Harper: It is! - she smiled as well

Murphy: What are we waiting for then!! - he said - Last one getting there is a rotten eggshell - he laughed

Bellamy: Oh come on Murphy you can't be - immediately, Murphy jumped to the water and started swimming to the island as fast as he could - Ok he was serious - he rolled his eyes making Clarke laugh

Monty: Jasper would have loved this - he softly smiled, and looked at Raven - Come on what are we waiting for! Let's go! - he said now smiling, and Raven started paddling

   The group finally got to the sand through that amazing bright clear water. It felt so good being able to stand and walk after 3 days.

Murphy: What took you so long? - he said drinking some coconut water

Clarke: Where did you get that!! - she asked him with water on her mouth

Murphy: Oh you know, just had to climb that tree over there - he pointed to the tallest tree around

Octavia: In 3 minutes??? - she was surprised looking at the tree

Murphy: No, - he started laughing - there are a bunch over there - he pointed to the ground and giggled

  Immediately everyone started running towards the coconuts and grabbed one, breaking it with a rock, and enjoying it.

Raven: Omg this is sooooo good - she said with her eyes closed

Bellamy: It really is - he said

Clarke: Guys I hate to break this - she looked at them - But how are we even going to survive here - she looked around - We literally have nothing

Octavia: Well we have our phones in the boat right? - she asked

Monty: Hm guys - he looked to the water - Where's our boat? - he asked not seeing nothing

Raven: Oh no... - she dropped her drink and started looking for their boat, but after a couple of minutes, nothing. - Great - she said - Now we're screwed

Bellamy: Guys, i had survival skills classes in my collage. I hated my professor, I think he's name was Pike or something, but I know some things that might help us now... - he told everyone

Clarke: Well, we need food. And water. And a place to stay for the night - she started talking to everyone - So we better go look for some place more inside this island.

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