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"I do see mom. And what I see is that Andre is an asshole."

- Gabriella Dalmonte.


It has been four day since the night of the group chat, when I fought against Chloe, Courtney, and Andre. Because of that bastard I lost my iPhone XR worth $900.

It was when he sent his last message.

I sent him, "Fuck you."

Then he sent, "Is that a comeback or under your to-do list?😏😏"

My eyes widen and in a fit of rage, I threw my iPhone from the floor I stood on in my room, to the wall opposite me.

I was so angry that at that time, I didn't care about my phone.

The next day when my mom found out, she was sooooooo angry at me and gave me a two hour lecture on anger management.

This is the thirteenth phone I'm breaking this year, and it's just the third month of the year.

Yeah I have a problem. I've been told. A lot.

At the end of the lecture, as my punishment, she told me that she will buy me a new one but I have to give her back the money.

At first I disagreed, but later on, I accepted.

Right now, I came to her room to apply for a job as her executive personal assistant. Well, not really apply, more of begging to be her executive personal assistant.

"Mommy, please please please can I be your personal assistant?"

She gave me a hysterical laugh. "No way, you really think you can pull off being my assistant?"

"Yes mom. Of course I can."

Of course I can't, what am I saying?!

"No way. Go get another job, maybe in a boutique or in a shop as a salesgirl. Or start your own lemonade business."

"No." I frowned my face. "I can't do that." I folded my arms.

"And exactly why?" She crosses her legs as she sits by the side of her King-sized (yeah, not Queen-sized) bed.

"Because umm... because uhh... because, because....you know the umm, hehe.... because..." I couldn't think of anything.

"Because what?"

"Because, they can kidnap me."


"What?!" Her forehead creases.

"Pfft, yeah mom. They can kidnap me." I did as if I knew what I was saying.

"Sweetheart, this is a very very safe city."

"So? Kidnapping is everywhere."

"Ok tell me why would they kidnap you."

"Duhh! Because I'm your daughter. I am the first daughter and child of Ariana Sanchez. Why won't they kidnap me? My maternal grandfather is Leonardo Sanchez. One of the richest and famous businessman alive! Also, I am a descendant of Flavio Dalmonte! I am his great great granddaughter. Who would want to kidnap me? So I can't just work in a simple shop. No!"

"And I thought your Aunt Antonia was dramatic." She rolled her eyes.

"Mama please I can't." I practically begged her.

"Uhh uh. No. But I can let you work as a salesgirl in any of my own businesses that I created and not the Sanchez's Group of Companies." She said in a business tone as she flipped her blonde hair to her back from her shoulders.

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