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I've been pacing around in circles frustratedly for almost an hour in front of this fucking hospital room door that they placed Brie in.

I hope she's okay.

I looked back and saw her mother sitting on the iron chair. She looked so sad and frustrated with everything. There were almost dried up tears on her cheeks.

I wanted answers, I needed answers, but now's not the right time. Right now I just want Brie to be okay.

"Where is she? What did the doctors say?"

I looked up and saw Uncle Nathan standing in front of us.

Ariana wiped her tears and stood up with a glare on her face directed to Uncle. That Gabriella's sweet mother was gone, now she looked like she was ready to commit murder.

"How is any of that your concern? How does she — my daughter being in the hospital — unconscious for that matter, relate to you, huh?"

"Because she's my daughter too, our daughter." He said and once again, a slap crossed his face.

"Don't you even dare utter that sentence from your bloody mouth."

The door opens and the doctor comes out.

"What happened to my daughter?" Ariana went to her immediately.

One second she looked ready to commit murder, the next, there was a sad face on her.

"She's okay ma'am, nothing too serious."

"But what made her faint?" Uncle asked and Ariana glared at him.

"You have the audacity to ask that huh?" She let out a bitter chuckle.

"What made her go unconscious?" I questioned the doctor and she faced her attention on me.

"Well, I ran some tests on her, turns out she's been really stressed for a while now, I'm guessing physically. She hasn't been getting much sleep, has she?" She asked Ariana and there was guilt on her face.

"I...I don't know."

"How can you not know?" Uncle suddenly looked annoyed.

"Why weren't you there to find out yourself? No seriously, why weren't you there?" She fired back at him.

Are they serious right now? They're fighting and Brie's unconscious. I'm not going to mind them at all.

"I don't think she has." I said to the doctor. The real answer is yes, she hasn't.

"Well that explains it. The test also showed she hasn't been eating well for a while now. All these added to why she fainted. She just needs rest and food and she'll be back to perfect. But we'll have her over the night, just to monitor her in case of anything. In the morning she can go back home and continue her bed rest."

"Okay. Thank you doctor." I said and she nodded.

"Here are the bills for the medication that she needs, I need one of you to follow me to go and pay at the pharmacy on the third floor.

I was about to offer when two voices stopped me from talking.

"I'll go."

"I'll go."

"No I'll go, I'm her mother." Ariana argued.

"So what? I can't go because I'm her father. I am going whether you like it or not." Uncle fired back.

"You're not going, I'm going. Doctor let's go." Ariana told the doctor and was about to walk when Uncle pulled her back.

"Listen.." He stared darkly to the doctor. "You should allow me to follow unless if you want me crumble this tiny hospital to the floor by tomorrow morning as soon as my daughter steps out of this rat hole."

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