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I'm not sure if this chapter is good but just bear with me.


I groaned in annoyance as I felt the sun burning my skin. I stretched my hand and grabbed a pillow then covered my face with it. My face was OK but my hand was not. I cursed in my language. I removed the pillow and slowly opened my eyes. The sun was shinning so bright. Who the fuck opened my window?!

I slowly looked around and then it hit me.

I'm not in my room! Where the hell am I?! Blurry memories from last night popped to my head. The last thing I remember is that guy choking me and I fell unconscious.

Oh no!

I-I-I lost it. H-h-h-he took my innocence. Tears started to stream down my eyes. That bastard took my virginity!


A memory of André waking me up by the pool side came. Then I remember we were at the parking lot. I remembered Jake, Drake and Wes were there. The girls were also there with Peter and DJ.

"I'm going with André!"

Many memories were just coming but they were all scrambled up and I couldn't understand them.

Why was I beating three men with a stick?

I heard the door trying to open and quickly I wiped my tears and pretended I was asleep.

"Bro, she's OK. I took care of her very well. Don't you trust me?" The door opened as I heard André's deep voice dominating the whole place. It seemed he was on a phone call.

Memories started to flood again to me. I was able to understand some of them.

Oh my God I got drunk twice in a night!

That Ice cream!

And, André has his own house!

Wait! I said André is my boyfriend! Shit!

I remember him telling me about his parents. Oh my God.

But then everything stopped coming when we entered this room. I hooked. Jesus! Did we have sex?

"Drake under no circumstance must you tell Andrea that I slept with her."


W-w-w-we slept together. We had sex! Andre and I.....had sex.

I made him my boyfriend.....My half boyfriend. I said that I like him! Drunk Gabriella is insane! I even forced him to make a special nickname for me.

Worse thing is that all the memories from yesterday night are mixed and mushed up and incomplete!

Ughhh! This is so frustrating!

But the thing I am sure of is that we had sex.

"Yeah Drake I slept with her, she slept with me. Look I'll call you later when she's awake. She needs to rest. She didn't sleep until 03:22am this morning. When she wakes up she's going to have a bad hangover so I gotta rush to the nearest store to buy lemons and some other things I need to make that hangover tonic that Aunt Priyanka made for us that summer we sneaked out of Uncle Hayden's Villa in Dehli and we ended up getting drunk.........................Of course I'll also buy food stuffs, I'm not an idiot, I'm actually planning on making her an Italian Brunch Torte for breakfast, will that be good for her?..…......We'll talk about that later........Anyways I have to go......Alright, bye."

My appearance looked calm but I was shaking inside of me. I felt a weight being put on the bed and I knew he was sitting on it. Tingles spread through my body when he caressed my cheek with his thumb. "You're so beautiful. Last night was really amazing and even magical." He kissed my temple, then my forehead and to my nose. His lips descended on my neck and on my chest then he brought down the duvet a little till the top of my breasts were showing and he kissed the both of them. I wanted to gasp in response. And finally his lips softly crashed unto mine and placed a little kiss. He covered my whole body with the duvet. "Dont worry Brie, I'm coming back." Those were his last words I heard before he left the room.

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