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Bitch you better have my money – Rihanna

Money – Cardi B

Megatron – Nicki Minaj

Thank you, next – Ariana Grande

Drop Playlist here – – – – –


"I'm in the building." I spoke through my wireless airpods in my ear.


The first floor was quiet. Like usual. The assembly was taking place so everyone was at the hall located on the fourth floor of the building.

"Gabriella I hope you still remember what you have to do." Elena said.

I smirked. "Of course. How could I forget?"

"Good." Through her voice, I knew she smirked.

I strolled into the elevator and pressed number three. After some seconds, the floor revealed it's glorious self to me. I took my time and walked to my class and opened the door and entered inside. No one was in the class.

I dropped my bag on my chair. Then I removed the scrunchie on my hair and let my braided hair flow to my waist. Yesterday, after Andrea's call, Elena decided that I do a make over. I had to style my hair into medium sized box braids that reached my upper waist. I reached out for my glittery cherry lip gloss and applied it on my lips a little. I also grabbed a strawberry flavoured gum and tossed it into my mouth.

I hopped out of the class and back to the elevator. I pressed number 5 and after some seconds it opened and I bounced out. I looked at my short skirt through the glass door by the corner and smirked. "Ugly you say, Mr. Lombardi?" I laughed with venom on my tongue. I had to wear my pleated skirt, well that was after Elena made me cut it. Almost in half.

After that, I walked to the entrance of the asssembly hall. "So Andre doesn't want me, let's see about that." I smirked.

To my surprise they opened automatically.

Hmm. So they've put in automated doors. Nice.

The heels of my platform boots brought the attention of all teachers and students making all eyes landed on me.

I was hearing some gasps, mostly from the guys.

I tilted my attention to where some Eagles were staying and I then I saw the Alpha Eagle. Lombardi. He was staring at me as his perverted eyes mercilessly tore my clothes in pieces.

Disgusting! He's such a Caveman!

I had three tempting places to seat.

One. A space near Wes.

Two. A seat near Chloe.

Three. A free seat near Daniel.

Dang it! They're all so tempting.

If I seat with Wes, I'm only two seats near Andre. If I'm with Chloe. I can disturb and torment and make fun of her for what Andre did to her on Saturday. The video is seriously trending. And if I'm with Daniel I can apologize for Saturday night. There were still little bruises by his nose but he still looked cute.

Oh God I really wish I can torment Chloe. The temptation is too irresistible. I can't take it!

Well at least Andre and his or is it my brothers will be in front of us.

I quickly walked to the row and sat exactly near Chloe. It was just only us on the row. She immediately glared at me as I sat.

"Hey bestie." I said bubbly.

"Excuse you?" She said as she crossed her legs. "Gabriella you can see that no one is on the seats. Can't you use your brain and think maybe I chased everyone away who wanted to seat here because I don't want company?" She said as the dude in the front kept on blabbing shit that could just enter my ear.

"I really don't care if you want company or not. My mother fucking paid the expensive fees of this school so Chloe, I can sit wherever I wanna seat. You hear B?" The four boys in front of me along with others looked at us for a second then back to the front.

"Look Gabriella, I really don't have your time and your energy so do me a favor and go to another seat." She said as looked the other way.

I smirked at her. She knows I don't take orders. "Awww what happened." I fake pouted. "Who broke your heart?" I looked at her face as I crossed my legs.

"Gabriella please shut up." She spoke low.

"I'm sorry but no. I won't. Yah know, I watched your video. It was amazing. Do you know that you have fans all over the city? They are even making memes about you. Do you know that?" I smirked at her and she turned to me and spoke.

"Leave..me..alone. I know what you're doing and I am definitely not affected by it." She said confident.

I fake gasped. "Oh my goodness Chloe why would I do that do that? You are my friend Chloe. I could never do that to you. I said and gigged. I started making noises with my gum and then blew a bubble and popped it so loud that everyone in the hall heard it.

"Who did that?" The old dude talking crap to us asked.

"Oh my goodness Chloe, who did that?" I acted surprised.

"Stop acting like a prostitute." She spoke abruptly.

"Me popping a bubble means I'm acting like a prostitute? OH M GEE Chloe I can't believe you said that." I  popped another. Drake looked at me and shook his head.

"Oops." I smirked and winked at him making him sigh and face forward.

"Gabriella you're gonna get me into trouble." Chloe scowled at me. "Can't you just stop talking? I'm trying to listen." She almost shouted at me but held it.

"Forget about the crap. I wanna ask you something. I remember in the video that you wanted to show Mr. Lombardi the new Ice cream place you found but he brutally rejected you so much so that he embarrassed you in front of everyone making you run away with hot fat tears in your eyes about to roll down your cheeks. But I won't of course. Why don't the both of us go there?" I looked at her innocently and I could see the venom in her eyes. If she had the opportunity to kill me right now, she would have done it. "Don't worry, you don't have to say anything. It's settled then. Tomorrow after school we'll go okay." I said to her.

"Finally, the homecoming is approaching in some few weeks. If you have any ideas or plans, you can meet Amy Parker, who is the head of the homecoming committee, please raise your hands if you have anything in mind to do." The dude said.

I don't know if I was high or insane but the next this I did was crazy.
I stood up from my seat abruptly. "I would love to perform sir." I rose my hand. Everyone looked at me in surprise including Chloe.

Well Chloe you're about to receive the biggest shock of your life.

"Not only me but my new bestie, Chloe Williamson". I dragged her up by grabbing her wrist. She tried to struggle out but my grip was strong so she gave up. "My bestie and I are going to perform a song in front of everyone at homecoming, we're also gonna do one at prom."

"Splendid!" The dude said happily.

"Great, Gabriella, while you're at it why don't you say the both of us will sing for the graduation party and make my life even worse." She rolled her eyes.

"That's a good idea Miss Williamson!" The guy said.

"Perfect! I can't wait to sing with you my bestie!" I forcefully hugged her and groaned annoyed.


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