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These past few weeks has been so amazing between Dré and I. We've been going on dates which happens like literally everyday. Sometimes we do double dates with Amber and Drake. And even triple with the two of them along with Scarlet and Asher.

I swear to God, André is the best boyfriend in the whole wide world. Even when I was still grounded, he would make up for it during school period by doing lunch dates in the garden.

Though, these days we haven't had much time with each other because of Homecoming, he still makes sure I don't miss him.

"Homecoming is drawing close you guys I am like literally so excited for it!" Natasha said while we were in the cafeteria eating on our usual table. "I hope that Dylan ask me out. What about you guys, who are you going with?" She asked.

"Asher, duhh." Scarlet chimed and I rolled my eyes.

"DJ, I guess, it'll just be mutual." Andrea shrugged. "Kylez what about you?"

"I don't know....I don't think I'm coming since I won't have a date for the dance." She said as she played with her bendy straw.

"No way, you have to go. Whether you have a date or not." I said.

"Easy for you to say, you have a boyfriend." She reminded me.

"But stilll." I whined.

"Nooooo." She argued.

"Hey tinie." Peter came to us with his tray of food and sat on Andrea's lap.

"Umm excuse me. There's a human being sitting here you know." Andrea said appalled.

"So?" He rolled his eyes and looked at Kylie. "Me and you, homecoming, you agree?"

"Aren't you like my cousin or something?" Kylie creased her forehead.

"By marriage, nothing there. Will you?" He gave her a bored expression.

"No! Ewwww. You're my cousin." Her face looked disgusted.

"No I'm not." He defended. "Look, I don't have a date so that's why I'm asking you."

They just kept on arguing and arguing and I got sick of it.

Speaking of date, just because André and I are dating, does it mean that we'll go for homecoming together? I mean, he hasn't asked me to be his date.

Should I be worried?


"Oh God, what should I do?" Drake kept on freaking out as he paced around frustratedly in the boy's locker room for Football Players.

"Just calm down." James said to him.

"How can I calm down?" He flung his arms in the air. "Amber's parents wants to meet me. Why should I calm down?"

"I really don't know why you're freaking out man, it's just her parents, nothing there." Jake shrugged his shoulders.

"Just her parents! Easy for you to say! You're a good boy! A fucking cute nerd, and me....once they look at my face, they'll know I'm a bad boy! What if her father doesn't approve of our relationship and Amber breaks up with me? Oh André." He came to me acting hysterically. "I-I-I don't know what will happen to me."

I rolled my eyes. "Uhh, sorry man." I didn't really have anything to say to me. For me it's stupid how he's meeting her parents. There's nothing there.

"Why don't you just not go? Call in sick or something, say that your pet cat died and you have to start planning his funeral....I don't know." Wes said.

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