98. SLUT!

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We were currently in the living room on our usual spot on the couch with me in his arms as he softly and slowly traced his fingers on my upper arm while my head was on his chest. We were supposed to me watching Night School together but here I am nearly drifting off to sleep. I didn't really get a good rest last night. I was too worried and sad.

My eyes were slowly closing shut when I couldn't handle the sleepiness anymore. My eyelids closed shut but they were awakened by a phone ring.

I quickly jolted out of him in surprise and he looked at me.

"Sorry." He said. "You don't have to be scared it's just my phone." He held his phone up to show me. "C'mon come back." He said and opened his arms for me and I quickly obliged along with a yawn. I straddled him and  buried my head in his chest and closed my eyes. "You're tired right? Me too." He said.

"Answer the call." I looked over at his phone and buried my head again.

"Yeah I will."

The phone stopped ringing so I guessed he answered it.

"What?" He snapped at the caller. "......You have no right to—"

Who is that?

I stared up at him.

"You cannot tell me what to do, do you get that Mr. Lombardi?!" His face became so serious and boiled with anger.

I stood up from him but he held my waist, tightly and possessively.

"So what if I did?!" He fired. "To hell with you and her and everyone else!" He roared.

Oh God why do I feel so scared?

Why would I? André's dad is on the line and they're arguing! It probably has something to do with me.

"Leave me alone Andrew!" He said then furiously cut the call. "Gabriella let's go, now." He stood up from the couch and turned off the TV.

"Dré, what's happening?" I stood up and looked up at him.

"Get your bag, I'm dropping you at your house, now Gabriella. Meet me in the car." He spoke abruptly and snatched the keys from the dinning table and stormed out of the house.

What exactly happened?


As soon as I came down from the car and I was standing in front of my gate, he quickly drove off.

What the hell happened to my goodbye kiss when he drops me of at home in the evening?


Oh God, I shouldn't be so self-centered! He's like this because of his father. Normal Dré won't do this.


"Where is your sister?" I asked rudely Courtney once I saw her in their living room.

"In her room. W—"

I dismissed her abruptly and went straight there.

I didn't even bother knocking before entering, I just went in immediately.

"How dare you?! You slut!" I cursed at her once I saw her sitting on her bed.

She glared at me. "Never you lay any insult on me, do you understand me?!" She fired back. "I am not a slut!"

"Oh keep dreaming baby!" I laughed at her. "Why did you do that?!" I interrogated her.

"Why wouldn't I when you won't listen to me. It was easy though, very easy, I just started by talking with a shaky and broken voice then broke down in tears while trying to talk saying all manner of sad and innocent things and then BOOM, completed. This for your own good honey." She stood up and walked seductively to me with her long legs I once found attractive. "Our own good." She snaked her arm around my neck and drew closer. "Think about how happy we would both be." She traced her fingers on my jaws then her hand travelled down to my chest, my stomach then to my torso. "Don't you miss, us and what we used to do?" She wanted to go deeper but I stopped her.

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