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Before she knew it, Y/n had woken up from a nap which felt like many, many hours of sheep. The heat in this plane is blazing and from where She sat, her eyes caught a glimpse of (favorite turtle) wiping the sweat from his face. From this angle... Damn.

She smirked at the wonderful sight before looking away for a brief moment until she heard Mikey start complaining about the plane's services. "Aren't there supposed to be, like, pretty stewardesses handing out warm hand towels and stuff?" He asked, already drenched in sweat.

Raph bounced a ball to keep himself busy throughout the flight. and replied to his cooking brother."Not down here, Mikey. Not for us."

Y/n dabbed the sweat from her nose and forehead. "It's hotter than Satan's toenails in here." She breathed out.

"Try not to stress too much about it." Donnie says to her, playing with his tablets.

"I've been stressing my whole life, Don. Even things I have no control over," She crosses her arms, leaning on one of the wooden crates. Then, Y/n had a great idea... Or rather a cool idea. "Hm." She mumbled, opening her palms up and feeling this wonderful chill run up her arms. Her hands formed icy crystals, instantly cooling herself. "Ah... that feels better."

"Nice," Raph said. "Now sing 'Let it Go.'" He joked with her.

"Oh, piss off." Y/n scoffed.

Then, Donnie taps a button on his tablet, getting a quick update. He immediately stood up from where he sat. "Oh, boy. Bebop and Rocksteady are en route back to New York."

"What?" Leo says urgently, making Y/n come closer to the leader and nerd.

She spoke aloud. "They must have already retrieved the last piece they needed to open the portal." Y/n leans in closer, noticing that the images are pretty self-explanatory. "It looks like our plane is about to be crossing with theirs, right? I- I hope I'm correct..."

"Yeah," Says Donnie. "With a 3,000-foot separation. I could plot a course for intercept, but we'll have to jump."

Out of the four turtles, Raph is thought to be the toughest, but not in this situation. "Jump...?" He says nervously.

Within a few minutes, Y/n heard the side door of the plane open, getting a sudden rush of rough wind. When she glanced at the open door from where she was, she felt chills go up her spine.  "Oh, man..." She could see everything from 30,000 feet. There are hundreds of white clouds floating by and the ground looked like a mini manmade model. "Guys, that's really high..."

"It'll be okay." One of the brothers tells her, being specific, (Turtle name). He always made her feel safe and gave her a ton of confidence. "Just take a deep breath."

Y/n nodded, doing so and feeling her lungs fill with air while Donnie scanned Bebop and Rocksteady's plane. he stood up, taking his goggles off from his eyes and looking at his brothers and Y/n. "So, it looks like we gotta go now. We only have a thirty-second window." Donnie said. "You guys know the plan!" With that, Donnie jumped.

Y/n cupped her mouth in shock, looking out of the plane and seeing Don taking a plummet. "Guys..." She says. "Donnie just flew out of the plane like D.B. Cooper!"

The other three boys look at the opening and see Don is in fact gone. "He jumped?!" Raph squealed, his eyes wide as saucers. 

Then, Leo thought it was a good idea to be risking his life too. Without a second thought, he approached the exit of the plane. "All right, one for all!" Now the leader is jumping out of the metal bird with nothing but himself.

"Wait, wait, wait! You don't have a chute!" Raphael cried out.

Next, Mikey walked to the edge with no problem, holding his skateboard. "I don't need a chute, I got my board!" Mikey opens up the rockets of his skateboard and begins to glide in the wind. He spun in circles, did many flips, and hollered in excitement. "Oh, this is awesome!"

"F*ck that!" Y/n snapped, looking at Raph. "Are you gonna go? You jump, I'll jump."

"Hell no!" Raph baked, hugging the side of the plane next to the open exit. "Y/n, I don't like this idea."

She breathed out and looks outside to see Donnie has already made it to the other plane. "If Donnie can do it, then so can we!"

"Forget it!" Raph panicked.

Y/n glances out of the plane and down to her hands, feeling her fingers tingle. Naturally coming as an instinct, her palms were creating little tornadoes, indicating she has control over the wind. She tightened her hands to closed fists and nodded once. "I got this."

"What are you talking about?" Raph looked at her.

Y/n got a running start and just before she leaped off of the plane, she called out to Raph. "What would Vin Deisel do?!" Now, she is falling through the sky, gaining control of her 'flight' session. She angled her open hands to control the way she moved, seeing that the second plane was coming closer to her. She could see Donnie, Leo, and Mikey strapping into the safety harness on top of the other plane and it was time for her to prepare for an 'ouch'.

"Here comes Y/n!" Leo shouts, raising his arm above his head to attempt to grab her. "Y/n, come this way!"

Y/n couldn't hear Leo over the loud gusts of wind up here above sea level, she could only see him waving her down. With whatever skills she had currently, she used them to make her way to her friends. "I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm-- someone grab me!"

"I gotcha, Y/n!" Mikey called out to her, extending his arms out for her to grab.

Luckily, Y/n slowed down enough to get a hold of Leo and Mikey as soon as she came close enough. As she laughed in relief, Y/n felt Donnie buckle her onto the plane with his brothers. Then, she glanced up to see Raphael falling toward the plane. "Raph is coming down! He's coming in, too fast, though!"

It's a good thing Raphael grabbed a parachute as soon as Y/n jumped from the plane. When he was in range, he pulled the cord of the chute and felt his entire body jolt backward. Instead of peacefully sliding across the top of the plane, he face-plants into the windshield, getting a clear view of the pilots inside.

Luck was on the brothers' and Y/n side today. Raphael was caught by Leo before the parachute could get caught in the engine and perish into nothing. "Nice catch!" Raph says to his leader.

"All right!" Leo says to his team. "We gotta get inside the plane."

"Good plan." Y/n says aloud.


Aᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's Nᴏᴛᴇ:

Gʀɪᴢᴢʏ: I gotta ask you all a question! What would you like to see happen in this story? Please, comment!

By the way, yah girl hit 51.1k followers on TikTok!

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