Chapter 4

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Niall laid on his back on Harry's bed while Harry walked back and forth talking about his meeting with Louis at the restaurant. All of a sudden Niall sat up and looked at Harry.

"You're definitely not over him." Harry stopped walking and looked over at his friend who now had a smirk across his lips.

"Whaaat? Of course I am!" Harry said with a high pitched voice.

"Oh my god, you're such a bad liar!" Niall laughed and held out his hand. Harry giggled and shook his head then looked down at his hand slightly confused.

"Aww, you wanna hold my hand now?" He giggled and playfully let his hand in Nialls. Niall pulled back his hand and playfully pushed Harry away.

"No, stupid! Your phone!"

"No, why? You have your own phone." Harry said and sat down next to Niall. Niall pulled up his phone and went on instagram and searched for Louis. Harry already knew that Niall was in the stalker-mood so it didn't surprise him when he actually did that.

"He's private, so give me your phone." Niall said and showed Harry the screen.

"As if I'm following him now!" Harry huffed and let his hands slightly behind him on the bed to support the weight of his body and Niall literally placed his phone in Harry's face. Harry pulled back his face to be able to actually see the screen and saw the small text: "Followed by; Harry_Styles." He rolled his eyes and slid his hand down his pocket of the grey sweatpants he was wearing and pulled up his phone. He unlocked it and gave it to Niall who smirked as if already knew what he was going to do. Harry moved closer to Niall to be able to see exactly what he did on his phone.

"Are you scared?" Niall chuckled as Harry got closer and hung over his shoulder.

"It's you, of course I am!" Harry snorted jokingly.

Niall looked through the apps as he searched for the Instagram app and gasped making Harry look at the phone again as his eyes had wandered away. Harry blushed as he saw Nialls finger pointing at the Grindr app. He quickly took his phone back before Niall had the chance to open his mouth and comment about it, or even worse open the app. He opened instagram and gave the phone back to Niall. Niall just chuckled and went directly to Louis profile and started looking through his pictures. He smirked as he saw that Harry had liked all the pictures he looked at.

"I'm the stalker, huh?" Niall said and Harry shook his head.

"What are you even looking for?"

"Nothing I'm just checking. You're definitely not in love..." Niall laughed and was about to give Harry his phone back when he scrolled back to the top and smiled.

"What?" Harry asked and Niall showed him the screen.

"Looks like your boyfriend just posted a piiiiic!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Harry huffed and laid down on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Niall didn't say anything and gave Harry his phone. Harry held it up over his face and looked at the screen, he was still on Louis profile. He looked at the new selfie of Louis and bit his lip. How could someone look so beautiful?

Then he flew up from the bed and looked at Niall

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Then he flew up from the bed and looked at Niall.

"Please tell me you didn't like it on purpose!"

"Check the comment." Niall said with a smirk on his face as he leaned back on the bed, supporting his body by his elbows. Harry gasped and looked back at the screen. His jaw dropped as he saw 'his' comment and he looked up at Niall who started laughing.

"Are you completely out of your mind?!" Harry yelled and grabbed a pillow off the bed and tossed it at Niall, only making him laugh harder.

He shook his head and looked down at the comment again.

Harry_styles: Looking good babe😍🤤

He was just about to delete it when he got a notification and threw his phone on the bed. Niall sat up and wiped some tears away from laughing so hard.

"What? Did you see a pic of a spider?" Niall chuckled and looked over at the phone then back up at Harry.

"No, no, no..." Harry said. Niall wasn't sure if he had some kind of anxiety attack or if he was fan-girling for some reason.

"What happened, mate?"

"He fucking replied!!!" Not even Harry himself knew if he wanted to cry in embarrassment or scream of happiness.

"No way!" Niall yelled and picked up the phone to see his reply.

LouisTomlinson: Haha thanks.😉

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