Chapter 30

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Harry got out of the cab and walked through the white fence and up to the front door of the big house that was made of bricks. He looked around to make sure no one had seen him before he pressed on the round doorbell next to the door. He took a couple of steps back as he waited for someone to open. Eventually the door handle moved and Liam opened the door. He smiled at Harry as he stepped aside to let him in.

"Hi. No one saw you, right?" Liam said as Harry walked in and took off his coat.

"Except for the driver, no." Harry answered and Liam took his coat to hang it on one of the hooks on the wall.

They walked through the long hallway and into the large living room. Liam gestured for Harry to take a seat on the brown leather couch while he quickly walked into what seemed to be his office. It was right next to the living room and from where Harry sat on the couch he could see right into that room through the wide opened door. Harry looked around, he had never been at Liam's place before. But just as Louis' it was quite big. There was two floors and a lot of space in the rooms. Liam came back with a notepad and a pen. He sat down next to Harry and placed the things in his lap.

"So I was thinking either at the studio or the house, but if we choose the house, the next question is which one." Liam said and Harry looked confused.

"Which one?" He asked and frowned his eyebrows a bit.

"I'm guessing yours isn't the best. But either mine or his." Just as Liam finished his sentence the doorbell rang again. He handed over the notepad to Harry as he got up. "Hold this, and I'll be right back." Liam said with a smile as he walked away to open the door. Harry looked down at the few notes that Liam had taken.

Location: Studio? Home?

Time: 7? 8? 9?

Harry keep him away

Contact family and friends 

"Harry.. This is Zayn." Liam said and Harry looked up to see the two boys standing next to the couch. Harry put the notepad on the squared couch-table and stood up. He reached out his hand to shake Zayn's and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Harry." He said and Zayn smirked.

"Hi Harry. I've heard lots about you." Zayn chuckled and Harry blushed, of course he had. 

The three sat down on the couch and talked through Liam's small notes before they started to exchange ideas and thoughts.


Nialler: How did it go?

Hazza: It went well, but remember I was with you all day, if Louis for some reason asks..

Nialler: Of course! Good luck tonight😉


Harry placed his phone in his back-pocket and continued setting the table. He had made tacos for him and Louis. Louis was about to be home any minute and Harry knew he'd be hungry so he wanted everything to be prepared. The time had passed by fast, it was already their 2 months anniversary. The best 2 months of Harry's life. He had basically been living with Louis all this time too. Except for Christmas he had barely been home at all. But it didn't feel weird. It felt like it was just the way it was supposed to be. Neither of Louis or Harry minded it, and Harry's mom just wanted her son to be happy and safe - which he totally felt when he was with Louis, despite the last month that had been chaos. But still no one knew about Harry.

Harry peeked out through the window and just as he thought, there came the black van up on the driveway. Louis quickly jumped out and walked up to the front door. Louis and Harry hadn't had the time to actually hang out for the past two weeks. Louis had a lot with the finishing touches of his album and Harry had a work of his own. But Harry had, of course, spent the nights there even though Louis was most likely already gone when he woke up. Harry didn't want to point it out since he saw how stressed Louis was about it all. Though the Eleanor-thing had finally started to cool off, which took away a lot of weight from Louis' chest and shoulders.

Louis walked into the kitchen and smiled as he saw Harry stand by the set table.

"Hii!" Harry said with a bright smile after giving Louis a soft kiss. Louis looked down at the table that was set with food and a bouquet of roses.

"Hii." Louis smiled and looked up at Harry. "Romantic." Harry walked over to the chair and pulled it out for Louis.

"Take a seat." He said and Louis sat down.

Harry then walked over and sat down on the opposite side. They ate their tacos while Louis talked about his day in the studio. Louis looked up after finishing his taco and frowned his eyebrows a bit.

"What?" He asked Harry who just sat there and looked fondly at him.

"Nothing." Harry answered and Louis looked around suspiciously.

"Am I missing something?" Louis licked his lips and wiped his mouth with a tissue in case he had food around his mouth. Harry shook his head and stood up. He walked over to Louis and reached out his hand.


Louis took his hand and Harry lead the way from the kitchen and up the stairs. All the lights were out upstairs which made Louis a little confused. Harry opened the bedroom door and stepped aside for Louis to look in. He looked at Harry instead unsure of what to do and Harry gestured into the room. Louis looked somehow concerned and still confused about what was going on but stepped into the dark room and smiled as he saw lit candles on the nightstands. The bluetooth mini stereo stood on one of the nightstands and was playing some calming piano music. As both Louis and Harry had walked in, Harry closed the door behind them and Louis looked at him.

"What is this?" Louis giggled and Harry gave him a smile.

"You've had a lot on your plate lately." Harry began and walked over to one of the closets where he brought out some towels and body oil. Louis stood on the same spot as he watched Harry spread a wide towel across the bed and turned towards him.

"You're gonna give me massage?" Louis chuckled and Harry's face instantly got red. Was this too weird? Louis walked over to Harry as he, still in the bad lightning, saw Harry's blushed cheeks.

"I'd love that." Louis assured him as he cupped his face in his palms.

"Yeah?" Harry asked shyly and Louis nodded.


Harry smiled and Louis started to take off his clothes. He laid down on his tummy on the towel on top of the bed. Harry took off everything except for his underwear before he climbed up on the bed. He took a small towel and placed it on Louis' bum which made Louis giggle. He had his arms crossed slightly in front of him and rested his cheek on his forearms. Harry straddled Louis' legs and poured some oil in his palms. He started off by gently moving his hands across Louis' back and shoulders to spread out the oil on him. He soon after started massaging, adding some pressure on different spots and Louis let out soft moans in response. 

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