Chapter 6

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The next morning Harry woke up with the worst headache he'd had in a long time. As he opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling, it felt like the whole room was spinning. He slowly turned to the side of the bed and reached for his phone that laid on his nightstand as the door to his bedroom flew open. He turned his head to see Niall stand in the doorway. He just stood there shocked and quickly covered his eyes as he realized what he was looking at.

"What? Are you surprised to find me in my own bedroom?" Harry asked laying back on the mattress after he grabbed his phone. Then he looked down at his body seeing he was uncovered and completely naked. He chuckled nervously and quickly pulled the covers over himself.

"I'm sorry! I'm covered now!" Niall uncovered his eyes and walked into the room, sitting on the chair in front of the desk instead of on the bed like he usually would do.

"We're never talking about or mentioning this ever again, okay?" Niall said. His face was almost as red as a tomato.

"Deal. But why? Am I that ugly?" Harry said jokingly and bursted out laughing when he looked up at Niall. His face looked like it was about to explode since it was so red.

"Jeez, breathe!" Harry laughed and threw a pillow at him.

Niall sat on the chair facing the wall as Harry got up from his bed and put some comfy clothes on. Niall had seen enough and way more than he ever wanted to see of his best friend. Once Harry was dressed they walked downstairs to the kitchen where Gemma and Anne sat and ate breakfast. Gemma giggled as she saw Harry entering the room, it was obvious that he was hung over, maybe even still a little drunk.

"Oh, look who's up already!" Gemma said, making Anne turn around in her chair and look directly at Harry and Niall.

"Sweetie, you look exhausted. What did you do last night?" Anne asked and kissed Harry's forehead as he got closer. Even though Harry was twenty his mom didn't know he drank. She had always seen him as her little baby and her youngest child. Who knows how she'd react if she got it confirmed. Because of course she somehow knew it. She's a mother, she knows everything - according to her. In fact, she knew a lot of things, sometimes even before her own children knew them about themselves. Like the fact that Harry was gay, she knew that way long before he knew himself.

As soon as Anne left for work Harry sat down next to Gemma, facing her and looked at her with a straight face.

"Okay, what happened last night?" He asked and Niall sat down on the other side of the kitchen table. Eager to hear about drunk Harold. What he didn't know yet was that Louis had been there too the night before.

"You don't remember?!" Gemma knew he had been drunk, but that drunk?

"Well I remembered you guys waking me up, we sat on the balcony drinking, added some shots after a while and all that. The last thing I remember tho is when me and Louis teamed up against you and Eleanor when we were playing some card game."

"Wait, Louis?" Niall interrupted looking confused at Gemma and Harry. "Louis and Eleanor? THAT LOUIS??"

"YES! Oh my god..." Harry squeaked then covered his mouth smiling brightly. It was first now it hit him. Louis Tomlinson had been in his house and actually hung out with him! Gemma shook her head and started recount what happened the night before.


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