Chapter 11

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Harry woke up by the sound of his alarm. He let out a hoarse groan as he turned around in his bed to turn it off. He turned back to lay on his back and stretched out his body and yawned before opening his eyes. He unplugged the phone from the charger and looked at the screen. He wasn't surprised when Niall's name was the first thing he saw.

Nialler: Enjoy the date!😜

Nialler: How's the date goiiing?

Nialler: Have you kissed him yet??😚

Nialler: Damn, it's late Styles and I haven't heard any gossip. Are you fucking?!😝😂

Harry rolled his eyes. This was so typical Niall. Overly curious and always assuming the sexual. If Harry isn't answering he always ask if he's fucking rather than if something has happened. It wasn't that he didn't care about Harry like that, cause he did care about him a lot. He just knew that if something happened Harry would tell him.

Hazza: It wasn't a date. We just hung out and it ended up being late. No other gossip to tell ya.

Nialler: So you didn't fuck???

Hazza: OH MY, NO! What do you think of me?

Nialler: Didn't even get a little goodbye-kiss?😚

Hazza: You're hopeless..🙄

Harry closed the conversation and went on instagram as usual. He couldn't help but check every morning, it had become a part of his routine. He scrolled through pictures until he stumbled upon a new picture from Louis.

LouisTomlinson: "Chill babe, you look gorgeous"

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LouisTomlinson: "Chill babe, you look gorgeous".

Harry smiled at his phone as he sat up on the bed. He couldn't help but stare at the picture and the caption as he started walking downstairs to get breakfast. As he was about to open the fridge he saw a little note from Gemma.

"You'll have to take the bus or something because I really need the car today. I wanted to tell you yesterday but you never came home. Have a nice day.

Love, Gems"

Harry sighed and scrunched the paper as he looked up at the clock on the wall. Fuck. It was already 11.40. and Harry had to be at work, dressed and ready to start by 12. He closed the fridge that he had just opened and ran upstairs to get some clothes on. He gathered his phone and keys as he ran back downstairs to put on his boots. He looked at his phone, he had three minutes to run to nearest bus stop. He opened the door and gasped. It was pouring down rain. If he didn't catch the bus there was no way in hell he'd make it to work in time. He put his phone in his pocket, walked outside and locked the door behind him before starting to run. What's the odds that it would be raining this much the same day as he was running late? Not to mention that he didn't like to run, and to run while it was raining was even worse. He looked up when he got closer to the bus stop to see the bus driving away. Great, Harry thought. He groaned in frustration and looked around. He didn't even want to look at the clock right now. It was probably too late. Either way he still had to get there. He spun around on his heel and started running towards the restaurant, knowing the bus took a longer way anyway. As he arrived at the restaurant he was soaking wet and water were literally running down from his hair on his face. He walked inside through the backdoor and walked straight into the changing room where he met his coworker Josh in the doorway.

"Wow! What happened to you?" He chuckled as Harry pushed back some of his hair from his face.

"It's raining..?" Harry asked, still slightly annoyed over the whole situation.

"I can tell." He chuckled again and walked back into the changing room and opened his locker. Harry walked in to his own locker and took out his work clothes.

"Here." Josh said and tossed a towel at Harry who turned around confused as he caught it.

"What's this for?"

"Your hair, you look like a wet dog. And I don't randomly walk around with new towels if you think so, I'm gonna workout after work but you can borrow it for now."

"Oh, thanks." Harry smiled as he started to dry off his hair with the towel and Josh walked out.

"Just hang it on my locker when you're done!" He yelled after leaving the room.

After drying his hair, Harry started to change into the standard black-and-white clothes and placed his phone on the bench and pressed the home-button to see if anyone had texted when he was running while he tied the apron around his waist. He smiled as he saw Louis name on the screen and opened the text. He picked up his phone and looked around to see if he was alone.

Louis: Hi! You forgot your camera here last night, maybe we could meet up for coffee so I can give it back?

Harry: I'm working 'til 5.30pm. But I'd love to meet up, text me the location and I'll meet you there😘

He locked the phone and was about to place it in his locker when he realized. Did he just send a kiss-emoji to Louis? He quickly unlocked his phone and went into the conversation. Yep, he sure did. He didn't even have time to give Louis an explanation so he locked the phone in his locker and went out to the kitchen.

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