Chapter 19

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The weeks went by. During the days Louis was often in the studio either writing or recording new songs while Harry was working at the restaurant and tried to hangout with Niall as much as he could. Even though their days went on differently - they always ended and started in the same way, by falling asleep and waking up next to each other at Louis' house. During the past weeks Louis had figured out things about Harry, about how he was in a relationship. Shortly said Harry was quite needy and affectionate towards Louis which only made Louis happy. For example - Harry always wanted kisses, no matter what. All kinds of kisses; good morning, goodnight, goodbye and even 'reunion'-kisses when they met after being away from each other. Harry also always wanted hugs and cuddles and just some kind of closeness/intimacy with Louis, whether they were laying in bed or sitting in the kitchen. Whenever they could he wanted to hold hands, but since they couldn't do it in public they barely did. The only time they could hold hands were when they walked the small distance from the car to either Harry's or Louis' front door or whenever they sat in the car. And by the time it also got closer to Christmas. They both looked forward to it but at the same they wanted it to pass fast since Louis was going home to Doncaster meanwhile Harry would stay in London with his family. Even though they wouldn't see each other for a couple of days or even be at Louis' place during Christmas they still decorated it with Christmas lights on the outside, a Christmas tree in the living room and other small Christmas decorations throughout the house.

When Harry entered the living room, Louis was standing by the tree with his hands on his hips and looked at the tree, as if he was admiring his work. Harry smiled for himself as he approached him and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist, hugging him from behind and let his chin rest on Louis' shoulder. Louis turned his head to look at him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Isn't it pretty?" Louis asked and pulled up his phone from one of his pockets. Harry didn't get to answer before Louis held up his phone with the camera facing the tree.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked instead and Louis smiled.

"I'm taking a picture of us."

"But the camera isn't even facing us, babe."

And by that Louis took a few steps to the left, with Harry following him, and placed the phone closer to one of the red decoration balls hanging in the tree. Once Harry realized Louis' plan for the picture he started laughing and Louis smiled as he took the picture.

"Too bad I can't post this tho." Louis said as he showed Harry the picture.

" Louis said as he showed Harry the picture

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It was quite late and the two boys sat in the car that was parked right outside of the airport. Louis looked over at Harry who sat in the driver's seat and pouted. He smiled softly and let his hand on Harry's cheek, caressing it and kept his eyes on him.

"Don't give me that look, you know I need to go..." Louis said as Harry leaned his head more into Louis' palm. Harry finally sighed and nodded.

"I know but I also want you to stay here." He said with still a pout on his lips. Louis smiled and shook his head lightly.

"Me too, darling. I'll be back before you know it. Now can you at least walk me in?" Louis said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and Harry did the same.

Since it was almost the middle of the night there weren't that many people at the airport so Louis and Harry felt safe enough to at least walk together. And the people that were there were anyway too busy minding their own businesses to notice that it actually was Louis walking in. But it was still a risk which meant that they didn't hold hands, they just walked next to each other. Louis with his big suitcase dragged after him and Harry next to him with his hands in the pockets of his coat. Both boys were wearing hoodies with the hood up, just in case, as they made their way to the check-in. Since Louis was wearing one of Harry's hoodies he had to keep his head down to be able to see where he was placing his feet and the hoodie was oversized on him which meant that no one could really see his face from that angle.

Harry stood by some stairs as he waited for Louis to check in his suitcase. By this time they had already met up with Louis' bodyguard, Paul, who was going to fly with him just in case someone recognized him. Paul was the only bodyguard that had been with Louis through all these years. He had been his bodyguard since the start which meant that they actually in someway had became friends. According to Louis he was the closest one he worked with, even closer than him and his manager that he had had for just as long. Even though he trusted Paul, he hadn't had the guts to tell him who Harry really was. To Paul he had only said that Harry was an old friend who just recently came in touch with him again. What he didn't know was that Paul saw right through that. The first time he met Harry, he saw how the two boys acted around each other. It was too obvious that they were more than 'just friends'.

Harry followed Louis, and Paul, all the way to the security part. Just as they were supposed to take their stands in the line, Louis and Harry knew they had to say their goodbyes. They pulled each other into a hug even though they both wanted it to be a long and deep kiss instead. But since there were other people there and Paul who every so often looked over at them, since that actually was his job - to keep an eye on Louis and the surrounding, they couldn't. Louis pulled back and looked up at Harry. He chuckled and let his hand on Harry's cheek after looking around to make sure no one was looking in their direction.

"You sensitive little baby." Louis whispered and smiled as he caressed Harry's cheek. Harry couldn't help but pout hearing Louis speak, knowing it was true. He was a sensitive person and silly enough to almost tear up over the fact that Louis were going home to Doncaster for barely a week. And the fact that they hadn't even been boyfriends for a month yet only made him feel even more silly about the whole situation.

"I won't even get to see you on your birthday.." Harry pouted and looked around as Louis pulled his hand back to see that Paul turned his face to them.

"I know but you'll call, yeah?" Louis asked and smiled at Harry who nodded.

"Call and text, everyday." Harry said and looked down at Louis who smiled back and quickly turned his head to look at Paul. Harry did the same but felt two hands on each side of his face once he saw that Paul looked away. Louis quickly pulled himself up on his toes and pecked Harry's lips causing Harry to smile as he pecked him back.

"I love you." Louis whispered and Harry saw a more pink color take over Louis' cheeks. Neither of them had ever said that to each other before.

"I love you too." Harry whispered back, after a while that felt like minutes to Louis since he immediately started to think that it was too soon. Louis smiled and sighed relieved to hear those words come out of Harry's mouth too and hugged him tightly. Harry hugged him back and he honestly didn't want to let go, neither did Louis.

A couple of minutes later they said their last goodbyes as Paul and Louis made their way through security. Harry walked through the airport and out to his car and drove home with a bright smile on his face. Even though he knew he was going to miss Louis like crazy, and the feeling had already started to grow inside of him, he was too happy about those three words that most likely just slipped out. That was all he could think about right now and he would lie if he denied that he had millions of butterflies flying around in his stomach. 

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