Chapter 16: Work out

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I wanted to go to the gym because ase when we came for to the hotel I seen the gym and it was so nice. So I got up around 5:30am and went to the gym. I got to the gym and seen only one guy working out. I walked in and went straight to the treadmill.

"Early riser too?" He spoke. I turned my head around.

"Yeah." I chuckled.

"It's nice. Then know one has to bother you." He Said.

"Exactly. Then you can just have a quiet workout." I agreed. He then came on the treadmill next to mine.

"You from here?" He asked.

"Oh no. Just here for vacation. I had a photo shoot up here." I replied.

"I could tell you were a model, your beautiful." He chuckled. I blushed a bit because it was a nice compliment.

"Oh me? No no no, I'm not a model." I Said blushing my hair behind my ear in embarrassment. He just smiled at me and looked confused.

"I'm in a band and we have an EP coming out so we had a photshoot for that." I Said.

"Really? That's cool." He said.

"So you sing?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Let me hear." He said turning his body sideways so he was facing me but also waking on the treadmill.
I shook my head no.

"Come on." He Said.  I just sung for him because I knew he wasn't ganna give it up.

"I see them pictures
From your vacation
You look so happy holding hands congratulations
And if it sound like
My voice is shaking
It's 'cause I'm way up in the hills, my signals breaking" I sang.

He looked at me shocked and just starred at me with his mouth opened. He then lost focused and fell of the treadmill.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" I laughed rushing off the treadmill to help him up.

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm totally fine!" He Said embarrassed, still laying on the floor. We both laughed hysterically.

"Rosa." I heard from behind. I turned around and seen Nick looking at us.

"Nick, Hey." I Said getting up and walking towards him.

"What are you doing?" He asked looking at the guy with anger.

"I was just working out, but I'm done now so let's go back up to the room." I Said trying to leave quick at possible because I knew nick was mad and he was ganna make a scene. I struggled to push him out the door way.

"WAIT! I didn't get you name?" The guy Shouted.

"YOU DONT NEED IT!" Nick Shouted almost slamming me into the wall to attack the guy.

"Nick! Nick! Stop! Let's go!" I Said pushing him out the door and towards the elevator. We got in the elevator and I could see Nick breathing heavily. He didn't say one word and I didn't either because I knew he needed to cool off and it's better if he yells at me in the room and not in the hall.We got into our room and I thought nick was going to explode but he just stayed quiet and went on his phone.

"Nick..." I Said quietly, sitting next to him on the bed. He just looked up at me with anger in his eyes and back down at his phone.

"Baby..." I Said.

"DO YOU FUCKING FLIRT WITH EVERY GUY YOU SEE!" He Shouted, making me jump. I swallowed and felt tears start to form.

"BECAUSE THATS WHAT IT SEEMS LIKE ROSA! ITS FUCKING ANNOYING!" He yelled getting closer in my face. That's when I felt a tear drop.

"I-I was just working out and he fell and I tried to help him up." I Said quietly crying.

"BULLSHIT!" He said looking at me right in my eyes. I started to feel more tear drops on my cheeks. I grabbed my phone and walked out the room. I thought he would come after me but I didn't see him. I walked down by the pool and just stuck my feet in it and watched the city.

"Rosa? What you doing down here?" Zion asked. I looked behind me and seen him walking towards me.

"Oh I-i just wanted to um get some air." I Said quickly wiping my tears away.

"What's wring? Why were you crying?" He asked concerned as he sat next to me.

"I-I just um I watched a sad movie and it made me cry." I lied.

"Awh you had me thinking something was wrong." He chuckled. I laughed and we just talked for a bit until we went back up to our rooms.

"Night, Z." I Said opening the door. He said good night and I walked into our room and seen Nick asleep already. I took off my shoes and put on my sweats and t shirt and got into the other bed. There were two beds since we were sharing this room but obviously we sleepy together in one bed but I thought it was best if I slept in the other bed alone.

I felt unloved and sad when I was in the bed alone, I started to cry and sniffle but I tried to stay quiet so I wouldn't wake up Nick. I then felt the comforter rise and felt Nick get on the bed. He pulled my body to his and spooned me. I get so much better and comfortable. I grabbed his arm that was around me and held it tight as I drifted to sleep in his arms.

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