Chapter 17: Bye Bye

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I felt a pair of lips connect to mine as I woke up from my sleep. I opened my eyes and seen Nick shirtless, head resting on his hands as he kissed me. I couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning gorgeous." He Said smiling at me.

"Morning handsome." I Said puckering my lips, asking for another kiss. He kissed me again and got up from the bed.

"Hey, listen I'm really sorr-" I explained but he cut me off.

"Rosa. It's fine. I don't wanna talk about it...okay?" He asked, packing up his bag. I nodded my head and got up and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth . Today we had to head back to L.A, which sucked because I lied it here. We got all our luggage packed and meet the boys all in the lobby.

"Y'all Ready? Took ya long enough." Edwin teased.
We just looked at him and rolled our eyes as we made our way to the Uber. The ride was brining and long. I mostly slept the whole way. We eventually got home and I went straight up to my room and passed out.

"Baby?" Nick knocked lightly on my door. I sat up and made room for him in the bed. He came in and laid next to me on my bed. I snuggled-into him.

"So, I think I'm going to go back home for a couple of days" Nick Said rubbing my back.

"What? Why!" I asked pissed off.

"Um I think I just need some time at home for a bit you know. Nick said knowing I would be upset.

"What! We just got back from traveling and your leaving again? Why do you need time?" I questioned scooting away from him.

"Because, I just have some stuff going on and " Nick explained trying to pull me closer to him.

"Of course you should go see you family and everything ,it's just out of the blue, that's all I'm saying." I Said grabbing my phone and walking out the room. I wasn't mad or pissed but we just got back from being gone but I don't know...

I went out to the back and sat on the couches we had out there and scrolled through my phone until Brandon came out.

"Wassup." He said lighting my feet and putting them on top of his as he sat down.

"Nothin just thinking something's over." I Said continuing to scroll on my phone.

"Nick told you." He Said.

"What! Did everyone know except me?" I Said getting anger again.

"He just needs some time, Rosa. He has been going through some stuff." Brandon explained trying to calm me down. Brandon knee how "close" me and Nick got but he didn't know we were dating still, he just knows we have a good "friendship".

"What stuff! Why don't I know about it! IM APART OF THIS FUCKING BAND TOO! YALL ARE ALL PET-ETHIC !" I yelled as I walked through the house and out the front door. I was so pissed now because I feel like the boys don't except me fully in this band because I'm a girl and it's annoying because even my own boyfriend doesn't tell me shit!

I didn't know where I was going but I wasn't going back to that house tonight. As I was walking in the pitch dark, I decided to call Diamond. She told me it was totally fine if I came over there tonight and she offered me a ride but I told her I rather walk it off. Diamond didn't live in the best neighbor, so it was a little sketchy walking to her house.

As I walked down a Allie, I seen these group of guys all smoking in a corner. I tightened my grip on my phone and crossed my arms as I speed walked past them. Just as I thought I was clear I felt a pair of hands push me to the ground.

I then felt hands punching my face and stomach multiple times. I couldn't scream or anything because one guy was holding my mouth shut. I felt them rip my clothes and try to dig in my pockets. Once they realized I didn't have money or anything they kicked me and ran off.

I laid there for a couple of minutes crying and crying. I couldn't feel the tears because how bruised and swollen I was. I eventually got myself up and waking the rest of the way to Diamonds. I finally got there and she opened the door.

"Hey Ros- OH my Gosh! What the fuck happened to you?" She said covering her mouth as she rushed me in the house and put me in the couch. I couldn't help but cry.

"W-Wait did Nick-" she began but I cut her off my shaking my head no.

"When I was w-walking h-here, these guys came a-and a-attacked me out of nowhere." I tried to get out.

"Oh my poor baby!" She said cuddling me in her arms. She put some stuff to heal my bruises and black eye and we watched a movie and I fell asleep in the couch.

Next Morning
I got up and seen Diamond and Carter asleep, so I didn't want to wake them up. I just left her a note thanking her and that I'll text her later. I grabbed my phone and left. I was a little nervous walking home but it was bright daylight. I made back to the house and walked in the front door.

"Oh my god! Rosa! What the fuck happened to you!" Nick said rushing over to me

"Rosa." Edwin Said shocked to my face.

"What happened!" Brandon Said looking at me.

"Oh my gosh!" Zion added.

"Are you okay?" Austin said. I didn't looked at any of them I just walked straight past them and up to my room. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe how bad I looked.

"Baby? What happened?" Nick Said walking in my room. I ignored him and walked to my bed.

"Rosa, I know your mad at me but please just tell me what happened to you." He said sitting far away from me on the bed.

"Why do you care? Aren't you supposed to be leaving. You better not miss you flight." I spat.

"Rosa...come cant be mad at me." He said apologetically. I didn't make eye contact I just ignored him.

"Fine! You wanna be like that! I just wanted to come and tell you I LOVE YOU AND I WILL SEE YOU WHEN I GET BACK!" He yelled as he stormed out my room. After he told me he still loved me hurt because I didn't say it back.

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