Breaking him

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Ava's POV

I can't stop thinking bout that kiss. I have a boyfriend! And I kissed Niall anyway. But at least now I am going to make it right.

I haven't really spoken to him that much since the event. It had been two days. Two days of guilt, lonleyness and just not speeking to anybody. I have ignored phone calls, not replied to texts, made my mum tell people i wasn't in. I didn't think they cared so much.

I carry on walking along the path to our usual secret meeting spot. There he is. My boyfriend, William Daftion. I give him a weak wave and a slight smile before i stop infront of him.

'Will? I'm really sorry but I don't think we should go out anymore.' I say slowly. His smile drops and I can see the tears in his eyes. 'I'm sorry but I think I'm in love with someone else.'

He nods and slowly walks away. I stand in the same spot and watch him till he's gone. I quickly whip out my phone.

'OH MY GOD AVA! WHERE HAVE YOU BLOODY BEEN? I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK! I HAVE TEXT YOU, CALLED YOU, EVEN STOPPED BY YOUR BLOODY HOUSE BUT YOU WEREN'T THERE! YOU DIDN'T COME TO THE STALL TODAY, NIALL'S BEEN CRYING HIS EYES OUT, AND I- i Oh my god i'm so glad your ok.'  Scarlett shouts down the phone but ends up in a whisper. 'Where are you? I need to meet you.' She whispers.

'Meet me outside the old charity shop in 10 minutes?' I ask and she sighs.

'Ok.' She says before hanging up.


Scarlett runs towards me when she see's me coming and embraces me in a hug. 

'I was so worried Av.' She whispers and I smile. 'Niall told me everything.'She whispers and I sigh.

'I broke up with Will.' I say and she smiles.


For me to say I love you (one direction fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now