Tutor time!!

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Lexie's pov

"how long does it take for the flipping teacher to open the flipping door to let in some very soggy and very grumpy teenagers who are standing in the terrenchral rain?????!!!!!!!" grace shrieked. " like 10 minutes it seems!" I say exasperatedly. Eventually miss lets us in. 

After tulula fixed my face ( that sounds dead wierd) I feel a lot more dry and loads more attractive. Although, there's no point cuz all the boys are just eyein up tulula. I could walk in starch naked and they wouldn't notice me!!! Grace is still tryin to catch eyes with all the boys on the back row but they're all ignoring her as well as me!! To bad tululas not interested in any of them! 

I suddenly realise my phone isn't turned off. I quickly smuggle it out of my bag and click the off button. I can't have my phone taken off me!!! That would be the worst thing that could happen out of the whole entire universe!!!!!!!! Apart from losing my phone that is!! It is my most valuable item!!! As I turn it off a text pops up on the screen. It's from scarlett.  

' this is the most awkward moment' it says ' Will and Ava are havin a good old snog in the corner and sir hasn't even noticed!! Plus, cuz she's there I'm just sitting here like a complete loner!!!'  

I laugh her text back: ' nice.'  

I'm wierdly imagining the scene scarlett had described to me, when miss says something that somehow makes me zone back into reality. Or it may have bin the punch on the arm that came from grace!  

" tommorow a very special announcement will be made. All students must bring they're planners to assembly tommorow. Don't get to excited but it will be quite marvellous!" 

" I bet it's just something like a spellathon or something 'amazing' like that" I say under my breath. Tulula laughs but grace doesn't seem to have noticed. She's still starin at those boys!!!!! When will she ever stop????? I hear a door close and I look up as Ava walks quietly into the room. She's always bin the quiet one!! 

She walks over to miss and says something to her. I can't hear though because I'm on the second to the back row. Miss looks up and says in her southern accent, " Ava has just informed me that english is now in L3 for those of you who are with miss Abernathy."  

Oh great!! And there i was, thinking it would be some more 'big' news!! As she walks out I catch eyes with her. I mouth ' having a nice time snogging????' and she turns bright red, like literally a tomato, and runs out of the room. I laugh and turn back to tulula and grace. I give them a good punch to indicate that all the boys are looking at them strangely (they're starin again) and they turn as red as Ava and start talking about random stuff like what they were cooking for tea that night and tulula (as per usual) changed the subject back to one direction. She's obsessed with them!!!! She only stops talkin about them when a group of boys come over! It's getting a bit annoying now!!! The bell rings and I get up, thinking about the day ahead of me and of the big announcement tommorow!!

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