text talk

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Scarlett's POV

I can't believe these guys. They won't let me eat the cupcakes. I mean, why not? Nobody's buying them! All because the boys don't want to put it on twitter in case they get mobbed and there is no security. Pathetic. It's not like they'd die! And even if they did they would have died for charity, died bold. Haha, them boys could never be bold. They'd probably just be doing their hair in their graves! Anyway, I sit, once again, on the edge of the stall, while grace sits scowling at Liam, and Liam doing the same, Tulula trying to get Harry's attention but he's just staring at Lexie who is chatting to Louis. A pang of jealousy hits me. Why am I jealous? Its only Louis. And I should be happy that Lexie is getting some boy attention all of a sudden. I proffered it when they all ignored her. Well you would cus.... Shut up brain! God Ava's still talking to Niall, has she broken up with Will or something! Lula goes back over to Zayn defeated. I can see the pain in his eyes as he gives her advice to get Harry's attention.

Its almost 7 o clock and I think I’m going to go home.  Tomorrow morning me and the girls have to drive all the cupcakes in, whereas todat, the boys drove them in from their tiny council house they are staying in. I get up and pick up my bag. ‘Well cheerios’. I’m going home.’ The girls all jump up and come with me leaving the boys to pack everything up. Lexie gives Louis a small wave which he returns awkwardly before starting packing away.  How dare she, that little b- Don’t be mean now Scarlett. Other people are allowed to associate with him, why are you so bothered it she fancies him or not? That’s a point. Why am I so bothered? Never mind, just let them get married and have children and I’ll die alone in a cardboard box! I scream in my mind. Well that can be arranged. Shut it.


I put the boxes into the boot balancing them on top of each other. I am so glad I am not In this car. I'd get out covered in cake!!! Well that's your fault isn't it Scar? Just get on with it I don't want to talk to you, I'm busy. Gosh my thoughts are mean. Wait I'm thinking them, which means I can change them? Nah my brain is its own person. One day its just gunna get bored of me and leave. Anyway back to real life. That was real life you idiot. Alright brain lay off for a second!! I put the last box in the back of the boot and jump up to shut it. I'm quite small. 'LEXIE!' I scream as its her car. 'THE CAKES ARE IN THE BATMOBILE!' I shout at her. She runs out and jumps in the car then speeds off, she was in a rush obviously. Oh well done sherlock. Shut up. I wouldn't drive at that speed when them cakes are only balanced in the boot, but hey ho its only Lex! I now proceed to shout for the rest of the girls. 'GRACE!! LULA!! AVA!!' They all run out, except for Lula who just strolls while adding some mascara. I roll my eyes and jester for them to get into Tulula's car. Yeah, not my car. No cuz your too stupid to drive. They couldn't trust you with a steering wheel. I literally hate my mind. I climb into the car and plug in my headphones. Here comes the long drive. I put on holes inside by joe brooks. Gosh he's gorgeous. I close my eyes and think about how pretty he is!!!!! Suddenly Louis pops into my mind. Huh? I quickly change the song to something by someone less gorgeous. Under the sun by Cheryl Cole. ' I won't give you my heart! Cus it don't break twice! Just to let you know! To let you know!' I sing getting death glares from Grace. I smirk at her and she throws something at me. Oops.  

'I'm sure you'll tell me anything under the sun! Like how I'm special and the only one. Cuz normally I'd just get up and run, but your looking so damn good to me under the sun!' She throws something else at me. I really need to find out what this stuff is. Aha! Socks! I stick on some Olly murs (whoop whoop). 'We wrestle with the devil in the flickering with the devil in the flickering light, no way to know who's winning the fight!' I sing. Ava raises her eyebrows at me and I take out a headphone. 'You get through songs quick!' she says taking the headphone of me and sticking it in her ear. She takes the ipod of me and looks through the songs. She chooses 'Its all about you' by mcfly. she mouths something at me. She's trying to tell me something. Oh my gosh. What's she trying to say? i dont know why i'm getting exiceted but hey ho. I get out my phone. I think it would be better if the girls didn't hear this conversation.

To: AVA 

What are you trying to say?

I look at her as she reads the text. She closes her eyes and replies.  

From: AVA 

I don't know. I think I have a crush on Niall. And I know that's terrible cuz I have Will but Niall just makes me feel whole!!! God this is hard. And I think you have something to say as well Scar

Something to say? What?


I have nothing to say. about who anyway? Well I think you should lay off Niall a bit and then try and decide.  

When she reads the text she shakes her head.

From: AVA

You'll see soon enough. And yeah I'll do that. Thanks.

I'll see soon enough? What?

suddenly i get another text, but not from Ava.

From: 09678362967

Hey its George Calston. This is Scarlett Jones's phone right?

oh my god. GEORGE CALSTON HAS JUST TEXT ME!! AHHHHHH!! Ok keep cool.

To: 09678362967

yeah this is Scarlett. how did you get my number?

ok now we wait. BLEEP! OMG!

From; 09678362967

That Lexie girl gave it to me. Your friends with her right.

oh i really need to thank her.

To: 09678362967

Yeah I’m friends with her.

Oh I really don’t know what to say.

From: 09678362967

Yeah well I’ll get to the point. Do you want to go out tonight?


To: 09678362967

Yeah that’d be great.

From: 09678362967

I’ll pick you up at your house at 9 k?

I send back a smiley face and put my phone in my pocket then scream.

‘WHAT WHAT!’ They all shout.

‘IM GOING ON A DATE WITH GEORGE CALSTON!!’  I scream and they all laugh, except for Ava who just shakes her head and mumbles -‘It’ll break his heart.’

 When we arrive at the stall I throw myself at Lexie, who, once again, is talking to Louis. I try to ignore the pain of seeing it, cuz I’m going out with George Calston!! Aghh!!

‘Thank you so much! He’s picking me up at 9! IKR!!’ I scream and she laughs. Louis looks confused.

‘I set her up with this boy she has a crush on.’ Lex explains as a flicker of sadness crosses Lou’s face. But i'd already run off to tell Tulula again.

Ava’s POV

She only did it so she could get to him. Lex only set Scar up with George so she could get to Louis, I know it. Lexie’s dark side. They all think I’m the quiet one but no, I’m the one who listens and knows what’s going on, and I know for certain that’s what she’s done. And it’ll break Lou’s heart.

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