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Lexie's POV

My whole life has crumbled today. As I started to eat my dinner in the canteen, Ava ran up to me.

" oh my god you'll never guess what's happend!!!!!" she squeals.

" what???" I say, puzzled.

" scar and Lou are going out!!!!!!! How exciting is that!!!!!!!!!?"

What? My best friend is going out with my best guy????? The guy I've liked for over 100 years! (well not really they have only been famous since 2012)

I suddenly feel a monstrous feeling of anger boil up inside me.

" oh," I mutter " that's......that's.......great, really great."

" look lex, you've got to be happy for them ok? I know it's hard but you have to!"

" why would it be hard?" I ask her with an awkward grin on my face. Even though I knew it would be hard, I couldn't face letting Ava believe that.

I sat down with ava that lunch while Louis and Scar and Zayn and Lula all sat together and Grace when to come and sit with us. She sat down and said to me "Lex, whats up?" i replied "Nothing just ...... just" no it dont matter. She looked at Ava and she gave the eyes that she was going to tell her when I had left. There was a moment of silence of awkwardness then Ava finally had the corage to say something. "So guys " she said.

Therewas a big convosation going on but I wasnt involved. I just sat here and crumbled.

For me to say I love you (one direction fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now