STAN ; honoret

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people go through life not knowing
what love is,
people go through life not showing
what love is.

edwin kept his eyes on the road, the calming sound of steve lacy coming through his car speakers. he looked over to keara, watching as she practically happy danced in the passengers seat. she was excited; happy. which in turn, made him happy. they both sat in a comfortable silence, feeling there was nothing to talk about just yet.

kee was beyond excited in fact. she was finally going on a date with her boyfriend. edwin had been working non-stop for the last month and she had been so busy running her business that neither of them were able to see the other for more than a couple minutes at night, before sleep would eventually catch up to the both of em.

noticing this unfortunate pattern, edwin decided to do something about it. he spoke to the boys about taking that weekend off, wanting to spend the time with you. when it was approved by management, he went and bought kee tickets to see 6lack live in concert, knowing how bad she's been wanting to see him perform.

he surprised her two nights ago, having put the ticket under her pillow. she found them in the morning after making her bed, and had a whole mini dance party which ended in her calling him and repeatedly telling him she loved and appreciated him.

so here the couple were, on their way to see her favorite artist perform. edwin came to a red light, taking the opportunity to reach over the console and hold his girl's hand. kee felt the blush slowly make way to her cheeks, still feeling the same butterflies she did the first time they went out, three years ago.

"i'm really going to see him. live in concert." she grinned, squeezing and shaking edwin's hand as he turned into the venue. he lifted their joined hands to his mouth, letting his lips kiss the back of hers. he knew how much she loved 6lack, having followed him all the way back before his first album release.

the excitement kee had remained at the level from the moment she got out the car, to when she were in the line, to when she got to where she was going to be standing. she was up high by the stage, away from the living claustrophobia that was general admission. edwin watched as the many people started coming in, some rushing to get a good spot. he looked to her, seeing her in her own world, swaying to the music that was playing.

he took his phone out, feeling he needed to record this moment. he hit record, watching as she rapped ty dolla $ign's part in nights like this by kehlani. she was feeling it, using her phone as a mic and the people down below as her audience. edwin snickered behind the camera, watching her now sing the chorus.

when kee turned to serenade him, she stopped as soon as she saw his phone. she pushed her tongue against her cheek, pointing at him. "you think you're clever." he laughed, ending the recording and putting his phone back in his pocket.

as the lights dimmed, edwin moved closer to her. he watched as summer walker came on stage, her presence getting his girl to scream. "bitch, i get to see her too?!" she looked back at edwin, throwing her arms around him and hugging him tightly. he smiled, chuckling a bit at her reaction. it had slipped her mind that summer was the opening act.

as summer performed her set, kee belted out her lyrics, sometimes turning around and singing them to her man. edwin encouraged her, especially during "girls need love".

as summer ended, kee screamed for her. "amazing!" summer looked up and pointed at her, acknowledging her support, getting the girl to smile big. "did you see that? she saw me!" she said, bouncing like a little kid. edwin nodded, laughing at her behavior. she was so cute; all filled with joy.

when 6lack came out, edwin watched that same child-like behavior increase, smiling at keara as she watched 6lack come out on stage.

it was safe to say he watched keara more than the show.


keara was currently in edwins arms, listening to him rap j.cole's part in "pretty little fears". he held her waist, tilting her chin up to look at him. she smiled, coming in on 6lacks part. as the song ended, she turned around and clapped.

6lack spoke into the mic, letting the arena know how heavy his love for them went and thanked them for supporting him. when he finished talking, the intro to "stan" started up.

this. this is what edwin waited for all night. this song. the song he claimed to be his relationship in a nutshell. it was a song he planned to sing to kee, ten years from now when they celebrate yet another anniversary. he felt no other song best described them.

kee loved him like a stan; unconditional, through ups and downs, giving him nothing but her unlimited support. countless nights staying late in the studio with him, recording or dance, helping him get better. answering his calls when he'd be on tour, no matter the time difference. loving him endlessly and pushing him to thrive. there was no doubt she was his biggest fan, his biggest support and his only true love.

the boys would tease him for the way he loved her; calling him whipped and all that, but, edwin didn't care. if whipped was what a man who would do anything for his woman was then whipped he was. 100%.

he pulled her closer to him, hugging her from behind and swaying with the music. kee smiled to herself, leaning into him. his thumb hooked on to her belt loop as his fingers copied the beat of the drums on her thigh. his head was on her shoulder, singing softly into her ear.

keara was in a state of euphoria. she was listening to the music she loved, while standing with the one she loved; mouthing the words to one of her favorite songs.

edwin was everything to her. love, light, pain, anger; he was all. he was her best friend, her partner, and at times her worst enemy. someone she saw in her life for years and years to come, through good and bad. he was her biggest support system, no one else being in her corner as long or as strong as he has been. he was her stan. cheering her on to give up her job and open her own business; encouraging her to chase her dreams just as she encouraged him. the current intimate moment, as well as her thoughts, got kee to tear up, feeling an overwhelming amount of love.

edwin hummed as the song approached its end. meanwhile, keara pouted, not wanting this moment to just be temporary. what she would give to live this moment a little longer. to have this state of love be the very memory she recall to her children and grandchildren.

as the song ended, edwin turned her to look at him, his brows furrowing at her glossy eyes and wet cheeks. "baby, why're you crying?" his thumb brushed her cheek, soothing her and bringing her shaky breathing to an ease. she sighed, leaning her head into his hand and turning her lips upward into a smile, "i just love much." she said, grabbing his hand and squeezing them.

edwin smiled, cupping her face and pulling her to him. he kissed her lips for the first time since this morning, feeling the all to familiar fluttering in his stomach and quickness in his heartbeat. the kiss was passionate, carrying three years of emotion in it.

edwin knew there was no one else he would rather be kissing. no one else he would rather have in his arms than her.

as the two broke away and he put his forehead against her own, his eyes lit up, a soft smile on his face as he looked at her. kee smiled too, "what?"

"marry me."

[ well ain't that a cute one !
had to use one of my fav songs w my lane man! i had to do it. ]

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