HOW? ; mara

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1.5k words
⚠️slight swearing

how do you hear that i messed up?
how do you hear that i ruined us?

"how do you do that?" nyomi asked, watching as nick chewed on the grape he just caught in his mouth. he had been eating them that way for a while and she was curious on how he managed to catch every one. "skill and years of practice. i trained with the strongest monks to master this." he looked at her, finger and thumb together as he talked. nyomi rolled her eyes, a 'pfft' leaving her lips.

"bullshit." she said, plucking a red grape from the stem. she tossed it in the air— open mouth and head back to receive it, only for it to hit her forehead. nick laughed, watching as the girl pouted. "told you. years of practice." he picked a green grape up from his stemless bowl and tossed it up, catching it right in his mouth. "show off." nyomi stuck her tongue out at him, taking another red grape and putting it in her mouth. "just talented." he shrugged, bringing his knees to his chest.

the pair fell into a comfortable silence, sitting on the floor of nyomi's room. it was about to reach eleven at night and the two had been eating snacks and talking since nine thirty.

nyomi looked at nick to see his eyes focused on his white socks, more than likely because he was zoning out. he had called her with the request to come over but never explained why he wanted to. she didn't try to ask either, as he had seemed agitated after he snuck in through her window.

"mimi! can i come in?" nyomi jumped at her father's voice, looking towards nick who shared the same scared look as her. "closet! go!" she whispered, aggressively pointing to the sliding mirror doors to her right. nick jumped up and grabbed his jacket, running to the closet and going inside it. "yeah dad!" nyomi brought the two bowls up to her bed and sat on it, her phone in hand and opened to her home screen.

"hey daddy." she smiled as her father opened her room door. "just turning in for the night. wanted to wish my lil' baby sweet dreams." rodney spoke, smiling at his not-so little girl. nyomi rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "that's mad corny. but, you working early tomorrow?" she looked at him to see him nodding with a tired look on his face. he normally would go to bed around one or two a.m. "unfortunately. got a delivery to make over in wyoming." she nodded, taking a red grape from her bowl.

"so, i'll see you later then?" he nodded, a small smile on his lips. "night mimi." "goodnight daddy." she watched as he closed her door and waited for his own to close shortly after. her eyes went to her closet as the door slid open and nick emerged, a look of question on his face. "it's clear." at her words he stepped out and took back his place on her floor.

"he always make those long ass deliveries?" nick asked as he watched nyomi bring the two metal bowls down to the floor and in front of him. she shook her head, her twists moving with her. "only if his co-worker, jasper, can't do it." nick nodded, taking another one of his green grapes and eating it.

"so, are you going to tell me why you decided to come here so late?" nyomi pressed as she sat back with her head against the side of her mattress. her legs stretched out and her sock covered feet hit his side. nick looked at her, soon shrugging. "i don't know. i was in the neighborhood." nyomi rolled her eyes, kissing her teeth.

"you live five minutes away, fool. of course you're in the neighborhood." nick rubbed the back of his neck, looking at the two bowls in front of him. that was a stupid ass excuse. "look, is it wrong to see my bestest friend?" he asked, a small smile on his face. nyomi pursed her lips, her left brow raised and her suspicion high. "mmhm. you had at least twelve daylight hours to see me, though." she wasn't buying what he was poorly attempting to sell.

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