Part 5

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“Why don’t we do something crazy – let’s go for a walk on the beach!” Sarah asks him. Wow. He didn’t expect that. No need to worry about making the first step.

“Yeah, why not” he says and gets off the freeway.

“Are you sure you won’t be scared” Chris giggles as they take their shoes off at the car.

“What do I have to be scared of, I have you with me!” She is surprised by her own courage. But she doesn’t care. She feels good when he is near. Why not enjoy it? It’s not like Ben had a lot of time for her lately. Thank god it’s dark, because Chris can feel his cheeks turn red.

“Come on.” Sarah grabs his hand.

They walk towards the water, the moon shining down on them. They don’t talk for a few minutes; they just enjoy being close to each other, holding hands, the cool sand under their feet.

“The moon looks beautiful” Sarah says and stops to take a look. That’s the moment Chris has been waiting for. It’s now or never. He turns to face her and puts his hands on her hips.

“It’s not as beautiful as you. Sarah” he says and smiles at her.

“Wow, is that your best pick up line?” she laughs.

What the… he didn’t think that would be her reaction to that, but he still has to grin over her answer.

“Well…. a guy has to have a plan.” He gently pulls her closer.

“Does it usually work?” She’s gonna play the game. Wraps her arms around his neck and looks up to him.

He grins and rests his forehead on hers. “I just want it to work now, here, with you” he whispers. “Because I would really like to kiss you right now.”

She bites her lip. “Well then do it” she finally whispers back at him. Their lips meet, gently first, for a sweet little kiss. She grabs him a little bit harder, opens her mouth slightly to invite his tongue in. For minutes, they just stand there in their embrace, under the moonlight, and kiss. She hadn’t kissed a guy like that in a long time. She kissed Ben, yes, but this was different. She feels butterflies in her stomach, a feeling that she had missed so badly. Chris’ strong arms feel so good around her. They interrupt their kiss to smile at each other. It’s just a perfect moment.

“I think I really like that” Chris tells her, rubbing his nose on hers.

“I do too… maybe we should try do that more often?”

She turns around in his arms, looking at the ocean. Chris places a kiss on her shoulder.

“We should.”

He smiles. Yes. He really likes her. He needs to be careful though. He doesn’t want to mess this up, they are working together, and he wants to do this right. Not in a rush. Not just a one night stand. He really likes this girl.

“Hey, how about I bring you back to your hotel. Maybe we can have a drink and talk a bit. I’d like to get to know you.” As soon as he speaks the words, he clenches his eyes. That might have come out wrong.

“You wanna get me drunk in my hotel room?” Sarah giggles. He turns her around and hugs her.

“No. Let’s just talk. Get to know each other. No other intentions. I promise.”

Wow. Sarah looks at him surprised. As much as she is attracted to him, she as well does not want to rush into anything. She likes what he just told her.

“Yeah, let’s do this. I’d love that.”

Hand in hand they walk back to the car and leave for the hotel.

And they do just that, they talk, they snuggle, they kiss. Until he says goodbye to her. Kissing her softly, but passionately. As if he wants to take her taste with him for the night.

As she gets into bed, she has a big smile on her face. But not for long… because tomorrow, everything could be different again. Every new day is a struggle for her. But she tells herself not to worry about it, and she finally falls asleep.


“Hey… can I talk to you?” Ben says as he enters Sarah’s hotel room.

“Of course…” she smiles at him then sits down on the couch.

“I just wanted to ask if you´re okay?” He takes a seat next to her.

“Of course I am… why are you asking?”

Ben leans forward and rests his arms on his thighs.

“What´s going on with you and Chris?” he finally says and looks over to Sarah. Her smile disappears.

“Ben… it´s not …”

“Hey, it´s alright… don´t get me wrong… he´s a great guy I think.” He inhales. He never thought that seing Sarah with another guy would harm him that much.

“Deep in my heart I am still wishing we could have worked it all out.”

Sarah stares at him. She didn’t expect to hear that from him.

“God, really, I wish we could have been together without all the fights and the drama.” He runs his fingers through his hair.

“Ben, why are you telling me this now…” she whispers. He sits up and turns to her.

“Listen Sarah… you know I will always be there for you… we will be connected for lifetime… but I think that maybe Chris could be the one that can give you everything you need… you just have to let it happen. I saw you together, and for the first time in a while I saw sparks in your eyes again… so please try to let yourself be happy again, okay? Don´t think too much.”

Sarah grabs his hands. “Thank you Ben. I am not sure what I am feeling for Chris, but he makes me feel good, kind of…”

“Maybe it´s time to move on…” She avoids looking into his eyes. Ben nods with a little smile.

“Yeah, I think it is” he says and gives her a hug, trying to hold back his tears… because he knows now that he still loves this girl.

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