Chapter 6 -Forced

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(Above is the stone necklace I talk about in the next chapter)

"Luna, Were here" Draco said quietly. "D-Did I fall asleep?" I asked rubbing my eyes, "Yup, about 2 hours ago" Ginny said excitedly. "We were talking about how theres a new house, remember Wolf Bite, its like every house in one" Neville said.

We boarded the carriages, I was with Draco, professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. "Draco, how I'll miss you being in my house." Snape said. "What do you mean sir?" Draco asked "I am now head of Wolf bite" He said and me and Draco's face lit up. "I have a feeling me a Luna will be in Wolf bite" Draco said. "Luna dear, I hope you realize that I'm your family, I'm your-" I cut her off "Aunt" I said resting my head on Draco's shoulder as he played with my hair. Minevera and Severus looked at each other and smirked.

We departed from the carriages and started walking inside. We waited about an hour for all the first years to get sorted, there were nine Wolf bites ten Slytherins, ten Gryffindor's, nine Ravenclaws and twelve Hufflepuff's. adding up to 50. "Now, as most of you know, were having a re-sorting ceremony. things will be different though, once everyone is sorted you will choose your own dorm mate, boy or girl but they must be in your year, once you've decide you write you and your partner's names on a piece of paper and put it in your age box. this will be your partner throughout the year and every year to come. I will be picking head students out of the seven year box and prefects out of the 4th year box, also Luna-Bella Riddles as every year you have permission to go in the forbidden forest ." Dumbledore said and I smiled.

All of the 7, 6, 5 and 4th years have went "Luna, wanna be my dorm-" I nodded my head before he could say anything. it was quite boring and I almost fell asleep, until I heard "Ginny weaselly!" She got Wolf bite along with Neville and Astoria. "Draco Malfoy!" He got up and smirked. "Hm, tough one indeed, as you have the intelligence for a Ravenclaw but the cunningness of a Slytherin, your brave when needed and caring to you loved ones, oh yes... WOLFBITE!" The hat yelled out and this is when I knew it was my turn... "Luna-Bella Riddles!" And I walked up looking at Draco and only Draco, he smiled. "ah, Creative, caring and kind, secretly extremely Intelligent Brave, cunning and ambitious. Now Miss riddles this one is clear... WOLFBITE" I was about to get up when it whispered somthing I my ear. "You have many powers Luna, use them only for stuff you really belive in your more powerful then you know" I got up after it said that it not registering in my brain completely.

"Thats the last one everyone start paring up and putting your names in the boxes" We wrote our names and both went up to put our names it the box. "Hey she's that Luna-tic right?" I heard a Hufflepuff mumble to another "Shutup Nancy, She's also the dark lords daughter" The second one says.

A tear threatens to fall and Draco grabs my hand and rubs in in a 'its okay' kind of way. "So this years Head boy is... William Sarangi and Head girl.... Candida Abby, and Cedric Diggory is Wolf Bites prefect" Dumbledore says and suddenly the memory I got well sleeping flashed through my head, it wasn't real though? Right?

We got to our dorm and the way to get in was quite... odd Every partner had a code Me and Draco's is 'Druna' We said our code and got in, Everything was pale blue, light grey and pale green. there were maybe 30 or 40 doors each with 2 names on them we looked for ours and found it in the corner. We entered an there was 2 beds, 2 closets, 2 nightstands and 2 Desks.

"I call this this bed" I said jumping on the bed closes to the window. "Fine" He said laughing at my childness. "Hey guys" Astoria said well holding Neville's Hand "SHIP Astoville!" I said making a heart with my hands. "Ship Druna!" they said back in unison and I slightly blushed.

"Anyway your dads want to you both" Astoria said. And I nodded. Once they left I went into the bathroom. I put on a black sweater that use to be Draco's but I stole it from him it had a white smiley face on it with a X in the eyes. I also put on white jean pants and a black cross body purse that came down to my waist rocking a bit of a Yin Yang look. I came out of the bathroom to see Draco in a grey t-shirt and jeans. "So thats were that shirt went" He said smirking. "Yes, yes it is and its not going back 'till it doesn't smell like you anymore" I said putting the sleeve up to my face. "Fine but only cause it will smell like you" He said and put out his hand I smiled. "Correct response" I said and took his hand and we went to the front of the school

"Ah, Luna-Bella, I missed you" Daddy said "Oh daddy, it's only been a few hours" I said giggling "too long" I jokingly rolled my eyes. "Well what did you need?" I said finally. "well This is Leonardo, Your future husband" Daddy said and my eyes widened, NO WAY "Absolutely not!" I said angerly. I could tell Draco was mad to as his grip on my had tightened. "Luna, you have until your last year at Hogwarts, you'll learn to love him" He said and showed me a Raven haired boy with dark electric blue eyes. he had a slim form and his hair was messily parted, kind of reminding me of Harry.

He winked at me and I just looked away in disgust. "Nope! I'm not marrying him" I said rolling my eyes "Luna-Bella Divina Riddles! You will marry him and thats final! He was sorted into Wolf Bite earlier today why dont you take him to your his Dorm?" Father said and I nodded "Yes father" I said sneakily, if dad thinks I'm marrying him he's got another thing coming. Me and Draco brought him up to our hose and found his dorm, he was with Pansy. Go figure.

He put his trunk down and entered our dorm. I was changing in the bathroom, I put on a black tank top, Draco's sweater and Bermuda shorts. once I got out I put on my shoes. "Why are you putting on shoes?" He asked and I smiled sweetly going along with this little plan "Well, I'm going out to the Forbidden forest!, also, I sleepwalk" I said and Draco looked at me reading my mind about the plan.

I walked out. I walked out to the Forest and took out my Wand. "Expecto Patronus" I said softly and a little hare came out, "Hi Daisy" I said.

"Who's this little guy?"

"I'll name her Daisy"

Little did anyone know... It was my Patronus...

This is one of the powers the hat was talking about, I'm one out of the fifteen pepole who can interact with there Patronus.

Daisy jumped up in my arms and nuzzled her nose in my neck as Draco has done so many times. The thought of Draco filled my mind and I smiled and blushed a bit. a noise in a far bush snapped me out of my trance. suddenly a wolf walked out, it was a white wolf, a white wolf with a big black patch around his eye. I knew instantly who it was. "Enzo" I muttered under my breath and followed him as he walked away.

So, as you can see, the title 'Chapter 6 -Forced' yes, I'm adding titles now

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