1. Aren't They Cute

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Jaemin P.O.V

It was just like any other day for Jaemin, wake up, look in the mirror and put on makeup to cover the bruises, go to school and be the person everyone thinks he is.

The thing is everyone thinks Na Jaemin has a perfect one that is envyed by everyone, but the truth is he doesn't. His life isn't the worst, except for the fact that his father beats him everynight and his mother is too scared to do anything, but he will take every beating if it means protecting his mother.

The fact that nobody knows (except for one of his hyung's) and everybody thinks his life is great is the only thing keeping him going, that people don't pity him, but they love him, and he loves that, he loves being loved. 

He hates his life at home, the only time he feels normal is when he is at school or out with his best friends Donghyuck and Jisung, and with his hyungs Taeil, Taeyong and Jungwoo. He trusts them more than anything in this world, they are his only escape from reality, from his horrible home life.

There is one thing nobody knows about Jaemin, and that he is in love with two boys, two boys who don't even know him, two boys who don't even remember him, two boys that mean so much to him, and they were Lee Jeno and Huang Renjun, and every time Jaemin saw them he thought 'Aren't they cute' . 

Lee Jeno, the most popular kid in school, all men all want to be him, and all girls wanted to be with him. And one of the boys he was deeply in love with. And Huang Renjun, the quiet boy, who barely anyone knew, and who sat at the back of class everyday. The other boy who Na Jaemin was deeply in love with.

These two boys were his childhood best friends, but they don't remember him. But he remembers everything, He remembers when they met, when they became best friends and the day that split them up. The day Renjun moved back to China, and then Jeno moved back to his home town, Incheon, and Jaemin lost the two most important people in his life.


"Crap sorry Hyuck"

"It's fine, but now I have too tell you this again"

"What was it"

"You know Doyoung"

"Obviously, for one he hangs out with the most popular people in the school, and two for some reason Taeil hyung hates him."

"Yea I dunno why Taeil hates him either, but I was talking to him and apparently Yuta is having a party after the big game tomorrow, and he asked us to come"



"The only reason he wants us to come is because I told him I'd help him get Yuta and that shy kid Winwin get together"

"So not because he likes us"

"Of course he likes us, their is just a specific reason he wants us there"

"Okay, but I still get to go to the party"

"Yes Hyuck you still get to go to the party"

"Hell yes"

"Class is going to start soon, let's go"

"Ugh fine"


"Okay class, turn to page 326"

The whole class started groaning when they flipped to that page, we were in maths what else did they expect.

"Oh quit groaning"

*Ten minutes later*

When the class had finally settled down and were doing work someone walked in, and it just had to be Lee fucking Jeno.

"Sorry I'm late sir"

"It's fine Mr Lee, just be on time next time"

"Of course sir"

Of course the only free seat in the class was right next to me, fuck my life, I'm going to die this term aren't I.

*End of class*

When I'm walking out of the class I feel someone tap my shoulder, it just had to be Lee Jeno, god seriously hates me "Hey you're Jaemin right"

"That's me"

"Great, my friend Doyoung said to meet him at lunch"

"Great, I'll see him then"



"Hyuck I have to go speak to someone, I'll be back soon"

"Okay I'll go to our table and wait for everyone"


I walked through the corridors to the back of the school where the fields are, and where the stairs to the roof are, cause that's where I meet Doyoung when I talk to him.                                    Today he was waiting and the bottom of the stairs.

"What's so important Doyoung"

"Your stupid friend might ruin our plans"

"They're all stupid you need to elaborate"


"He's not that stupid"

"He's been trying for so long to talk to Winwin what if he makes Winwin fall for him and not Yuta all this would be for nothing"

"It's okay he won't ruin anything"

"Good my best friend finally deserves some happiness"

"What do you mean by that"

"Nothing no go away"

"And your meant to be the nice one"

"I am"



"Hey guys"

"You finally decide to show up"


"Jisung how have you been"

"Good hyung and you"

"I'm amazing as always"

I scanned the canteen and saw everyone sitting in there usual places, nothing ever changes here, It's kinda sad. I always was fascinated with why people never like change, is it because most people are too afraid to step out of the familiar environment they have always been living in and so they hate change, but sometimes change is good, and sometimes people change but these people, they never do. I see my friends, everyday they stay the same and don't change, maybe it's time for a change, everything is so consistent in life I just want something new, something that isn't the same, something that changes.

Little did Jaemin know, there were two others thinking the same way


[This is my first story so sorry if it's shit, It's probably not that great]


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