11. Living A Lie

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Jaemin's P.O.V

I checked my phone it was my mum, I excused myself and called her

"Mum what's wrong" She was crying when I answered.

"Baby come home please"

"Why what happened" She cried harder.

"J-Just come h-home"

"Okay mum I'll be their in a few minutes" I hung up and walked back into the living room,

"Guys I gotta go home my mum needs me" Jungwoo looked at me with fear in his eyes, I'll tell him about it later.

"Bye loser" Donghyuck waved.

I walked outside and the gate was open, I guess Renjun has a control inside to open it. My house isn't very far from here maybe a ten minute walk, but if I walked fast probably less.

'I wonder what could be so bad she asked me to come home' My mum always tells me to not come home, or to just run away, but I would rather die than leave her alone with that monster.

I got to my street and saw police cars and ambulances were right in front of my house, I ran like my life depended on it.

One of the officers saw me run under the police tape "Kid you can't go in there" 

"Like hell I can't this is my house what happened" He sighed.

"Come with me" He walked off somewhere and I followed him. 

"JAEMIN" My mum screamed out to me and ran up to me, I pulled her in for a hug and she cried, cried harder than I've ever seen her cry.

"Mum what happened are you okay did dad hit you again" She kept crying harder, one of the officers walked up and I asked him what happened.

"Your mother says she and your father were fighting and he fell down now we are taking him to the hospital but I would prepare for the worst" 

"You going to arrest him after that right" He looked at me confused.

"Why would we do that"

"Because he beats her up he hits me whenever he feels like it you have to arrest him for abuse" He sighed.

"We can only do that if you both testify and most domestic violence victims are too scared to admit what happens" I was furious, my mum needs to do something, he'll just hit her worse If he wakes up.

The officer walked away to let me and my mum talk "Mum you have to do something or he'll just do something worse" She shook her head.

"No he'll find us and be back and he'll just hurt you" She sniffled

"Not if he is locked up then we'll be safe" She shook her head again.

"Their is something I never told you about your father" 

"What is it mum" She looked up at me and held my face in her hands.

"He's not your father" I looked at her she was crying again, how is he not my father.

"I cheated on him but he didn't know until your eighth birthday and that's when he started drinking and hitting me" She wasn't looking at me she looked straight at the ground.

"Then when you turned then your biological father found out that he had a son and wanted to be in your life but you father threatened him and that's when he starting  hitting you too"

Now I was the one crying, my whole life I was lead to believe that my father was just a dick who didn't like me, but now I find out it's because he didn't want me and he was forced to look after another mans kid.

"Who is my real father than mum" She looked back at me and smiled.

"His name was Choi Siwon"

"What do you mean was" She sighed

She looked at me sadly "I don't know what happened after your father threatened him he could be dead for all I know"

"You should go to the hospital you need to get checked out"

"Jaemin are you going to be okay"

"I'll be fine but you have go to the hospital you need to get checked out"


"Just go mum" She looked at me with tears in her eyes and walked to the other ambulance, I walked off and to wherever I could go.

I walked until the sun set then I decided to go to this park I saw, I had no idea where I was or what I was going to do but I do know I have to talk to Jungwoo.

I pulled out my phone and called him

"Jaemin are you okay I was so worried when you left today"

"I'm fine hyung I just need someone to talk to"

"Tell me where you are let me pick you up"

"Well I don't know where I am but let me check google maps"

I went to see where I was, I was an hour away from my house, I really have been walking forever

"I sent you the address" I waited for him to answer


"I don't know hyung I wasn't looking where I was walking"

"You're so lucky I love you I'll be their in half an hour" 

"Thanks hyung" He hung up and I sighed, Jungwoo puts up with too much of our shit to still love us anymore.

It's kinda lucky that he lives so far from me or I would be stuffed and have to sleep on a park bench for the night and nobody would like that. 

I dozed off and was woken up by Jungwoo "What the hell did you think when you fell asleep" He scolded me, and then hugged me like his life depended on it.

"I'm sorry hyung" I started crying, I don't know why I just couldn't help it I felt like everything hit me right then, my whole life has been a lie.

"Let's go back to my apartment" He helped me stand up and held my hand while we walked to his car, Lucas was sitting in the front seat he looked extremely worried.

"What is he doing here"

"I had to let him come he was really worried but don't worry I didn't tell him anything" he smiled at me. 

I went to sit in the back and we drove to his apartment, I was really tired so I fell asleep right when we started driving.

"Nana wake up" I opened my eyes and I realised I was in Jungwoo's and Lucas's bed.

"How long have I been asleep for" I sat up.

"Three hours" I sighed.

"Where's Lucas"

"He went to go get some food for us so now would be a perfect time to talk"

 sighed and told him everything, Jungwoo is the one person in the world I can't lie to and tell everything. By the time I finished he was in tears and was hugging me so tightly.

"I'm sorry Jaemin I'm so sorry" He cried harder.

"It's not your fault why are you sorry"

"I don't know I just wanted to say sorry" I laughed at him, he always was one for dramatics.

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